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A quick Caspervend question ...

Katherine Heartsong

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I know about the recent acquisition and have the system from a ways back to manage the first rentals I set up in world. And I know I can set up the vendor to offer limited editions (even of only 1) of an item. My question is ...

Suppose I have a vendor showing and image of Item A, and the number of Item A available is 1. Someone buys Item A. At that point, can the Caspervend display be updated to instead of showing an image of Item A, it shows another image that says "Coming Soon" or something like that indicating the vendor is now empty?


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It actually cannot. It will just refund the money when someone tries to purchase it again. This is because of the way the system communicates between inworld and the web. 

If you are a returning user of the system, please get a redelivery so you are using out latest 2.70 version. We have made many improvements.

Btw, there is a difference between the rental system and our vendor system. One is Casperlet and the other is Caspervend.

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