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Hammond Park: the permanently broken Bellisseria region


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After weeks of GoH, we got a lovely water front traditional, but didn't know about the problems with the Hammond Park region. We contacted support and they acknowledged the issue as something that can't be fixed.  The lovely waterfront view has this nasty artifact in it which is unaffected by draw distance.

Apparently there is a lake in the middle of the region with a water level of about 26 meters.  This is higher than the surrounding ocean, so when rendered the difference in water level causes the artifact.  According to support there is nothing that can be done.  Oh well...back to the drawing board.

After we abandon this, if you get it next you'll know what this artifact is all about.  Happy hunting!


Hammond Park - the broken region.png

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I had that same parcel and saw the line too. It is a shame. I also see that line on SE Victorian Coast as well as on the West Coast of the Victorians around the Barstough Region area.

I have even noticed it in the Log Home regions--mainly on the ones with big lakes.

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And here is another especially significant example.  From the top of the Barton Dam looking north you see a huge artifact that represents the difference in water level between top and bottom. I suppose the real solution is a change in the way all the viewers renders a water level mismatch.  Seems like treating the difference with transparency might be better than that ugly blue line.




Barton Dam looking North.png

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2 minutes ago, JoeBahama said:

And here is another especially significant example.  From the top of the Barton Dam looking north you see a huge artifact that represents the difference in water level between top and bottom. I suppose the real solution is a change in the way all the viewers renders a water level mismatch.  Seems like treating the difference with transparency might be better than that ugly blue line.




Barton Dam looking North.png

Go back to Hammond, don't toss it yet, I went there and to the other areas I saw lines and I don't see them anymore!

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I explained this years ago.  What you are seeing is two water levels because the default water in SL is 20m, and this "layer" projects across every region in SL.

So, whenever you have a region with a higher or lower water layer than the default height, you'll see both layers being drawn.

However, you will only see this IF you are standing in the region with the "non-default" water height. If you are standing on a region with only the default water height, even if you look at the region with the high water level, everything will look completely normal - that's because the non-default water level doesn't get drawn past the region it is in.

SL has always been like this - you can see this effect not only in Bellisseria, but in southern Sansara where some of the lakes there have the water layer set to 70 or 80m. At the Linden Memorial park in northern Corsica - you can see the opposite effect, whereby one region there has the water let set lower than the default 20m.

As Nika said, this is the exact reason the Log homes are ringed in mountains - to hide this oddity after many complained about it when the Vics were released.

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3 hours ago, JoeBahama said:

Seems like there would be some sort of solution after all these years

The solution would be to redo the lake in the middle of the region and lower the water level to the standard 20m.

I did notice that draw distance does effect the anomaly, which occurs because regions beyond the draw distance are filled in with water, using the water elevation of the region you are in. So if you TP to the lake in Hammond Park with dd of 128, you see the anomaly. If you then reset your dd to 1024, the anomaly persists but moves away from you.

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  • Moles
On 3/8/2023 at 2:31 PM, AzureWaves said:

I'm sorry you had to abandon. It seems to be an easy fix, if the moles could just patch up that lake and turn it into a park area/garden, then lower the water to match the region in front. Why not?

Hmmm.. looks more like an easy way to make everyone else in the region livid we filled in their lake to make one house have a nicer view to me. Maybe someday they will change the way water off in the distance to the horizon in unrendered regions  is displayed. 

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8 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

looks more like an easy way to make everyone else in the region livid we filled in their lake to make one house have a nicer view to me

I would replace that lake with fake Linden water. My favorite is Edo Freshwater from Konoha. You can see some in my koi pond here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Airashii Mogura/161/15/34

The lake appears to be decorative so this could work. I used this water to fill a double wide parcel at SL19B and it looked great.

sl19b LCC SFC Bellibin.jpg

Edited by diamond Marchant
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