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Windmill Days, Featuring My Avatar Snow Raven <3

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ohhh my goodness! 9 pictures that made the edit process out of 27. a total of 7 hours from start to finish which included picking location, going through my inventory to find outfits, poses, the process of finding right facial expressions, choosing the time of day and scene changes to go along with it, after angles were found for snapshots, headed over to rawtherapee to start the editing process. finally to pixlr to add my signature. mind you this was also 7 hours of my finely picked music! now that I finally have my mitts on a very powerful gaming pc it was time to push second life to the limits and see the true graphics. what are your honest true thoughts on these?









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I don't know enough about photography to critique other's pictures, but personally, out of this set of pictures, I liked the 3rd and 7th the best. 

All of the details involved with creating the pictures doesn't affect me, not does it change what I might think about the quality of the picture I'm looking at.  I expect really great photography to be like a lot of other arts where the final products stand alone, and all the hard work or training behind the scenes is a given, but not usually discussed, unless it is a few sentences about how a particular challenging aspect of the picture was obtained, or a mention of the inspiration for the picture.  There are also many truly wonderful SL pictures taken using just effects/environmental settings available through viewers, particularly Black Dragon with it's posing capabilities, and without any post processing outside of SL.

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