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Helloo, looking for a job


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Hi I'm looking for a DJ job without mic. :D I'm GMT + 1 And I am online a lot. I can do all weeks without weekends. So from Monday to Friday :D. I don't have experience.

Edited by victoravatar
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  • victoravatar changed the title to Helloo, looking for a job
  • 1 month later...

The Indecent Club is hiring


We offer a positive work enviroment while u earn 100% of ur tips!!!

We have our own Club Stream, Dj's don't need to rent their own stream to spin.

We are also hiring Set Mods/Managers whit lovely & good team work attitude (get paid per set)

Fill the host application and make a note about your managemente experience.


Dj App: https://tiny.one/ymwv9xkp
Host App:https://tiny.one/7exjr2ac
Our Discord: https://discord.gg/xHUMm3dhKV

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