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Celestial Game Tower Remodel: Game Nights and Ongoing freeplay games.

Sorina Garrigus

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I just finished the ground level of a major remodel of Celestial Game Tower. We tried having things in separate builds but combined them all into one building. 
It is all ready for everyone to have game night with their friends with. There are very few more modern board type games out there ... but if you are interested in board gaming ... we hope to change that in Second Life. 


We are gearing up to have some freeplay multiplayer games where you can win later on ranging from simple games to more strategic games like chess tournaments and the like. But we need sponsors before we can tackle that. 

We do have a number of freeplay solo games where you can win money. This is an ongoing contest. 
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: These are free to play. There is no direct or indirect way to pay to play. These are strictly used to generate traffic. Below is LL's policy on freeplay games. We try to be transparent to avoid confusion. 

Are “freeplay” games in Second Life subject to the Skill Gaming Policy?

Freeplay games, in which the sole payment required or permitted is a nominal Linden Dollar payment for the sole purpose of triggering gameplay and is immediately and automatically refunded without conditions of any kind, are not within the scope of the Skill Gaming Policy.

What is the max amount my players can earn while playing a freeplay Skill Game?

A player can earn up to L$100 (max amount) during one play through of a freeplay Skill Game.

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