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Trying to create a static pose but my avi wont stay still am I doing something wrong?


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Hi, so I'm trying to create a static pose for pictures but when i export it and reupload the bvh the pose isn't static. I've tried looping it etc but for some reason my avatar moves wherever the mouse or camera moves too. any advice please?

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Looping it is necessary but that isn't enough. You need to assign it a higher priority than the system idle animations (which isn't hard, they're all in the 0-2 range except for a couple manual gestures). You'll need a keyframe for every basic bone even if your animation doesn't change them, so SL knows you specifically want them at that angle.

Also, with BVH files, the first frame is used as a reference frame and isn't played. Instead, SL cross-checks the first frame with the second and ignores every bone for the whole import that's at the same position and angle in both. If you're using a SL-friendly addon, it might have an option for adding a reference frame, but if not, you'll have to make it yourself. Figure out every bone you want your pose to affect, then add an extra frame to the beginning where it's bent differently. It doesn't even have to look good, just be different.

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