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Hey Old Avis: Any dead groups you can't let go?

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A little while ago I let go of my JEVN Users group, and I remember a pang of remorse immediately after leaving it. It's a dead product, and the group was never much of a social experience, but it was still something I couldn't get back - I spent a lot of time with that system, and it was part of my SL experience back in the day. Since then it's been harder for me to let those old groups go. It's more than nostalgia...seeing the groups on my list every day keeps those magical early days of SL alive in my imagination I guess. 

There's one group I can't let go, that defines my early SL identity. Out of 70+ members, only 4 others have logged into SL in 2022, and none in 2023.

Anyone else the last one standing in your favourite group?

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Just one... the Blake Sea Battles group. I was one of the organisers.

I miss the pirate battles we used to have, sailing around the islands hell-bent on sinking each other in the regularly organised competitions. Battles  often involved mermaids; vicious creatures those, after you've dropped a depth charge on their heads. My powder-keg carrying, mer-seeking, trained dolphins took care of a few. We also did competitive combat racing, sailing around a marked course with targets to hit on the way, called The Gauntlet. Best fun was just bumping into each other while sailing around at random, and the ensuing battle for supremacy. I was there a lot, always practicing.

Most of all I miss (most of) the people. Many are still around SL but the group really died along with the founder, RoDen Killian. A good man and a dangerous captain. Unfortunately I was absent for a while when that happened (bad RL issues myself) and by the time I found out and got back, the people had more or less moved on and I didn't have the time then to dedicate to running it all myself.

I keep the group sort of as a memorial to RoDen, and to the great memories.

Edited by Rick Nightingale
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I have a few that I'll always keep.. Some are mine and a couple are nostalgic.. Besides those and pictures and memories, that's about the only nostalgia that I really have held onto.. A lot of the other things had to go bye bye in the big inventory clean and sort that I had to do..



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Just two my main avatar would keep. Gregorian Chant is a funny enough name to attract attention while out and about inworld. One person suggested he should join the groups, Clever Nicknames Club and The Ministry Of Silly Names. They were the first two groups he joined as a newly rezzed noob.  I don't think I saw any new members on there since LL did away with last names in late 2010.

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I have a few groups I keep for nostalgia reasons amongst them, one is a vampire group though I was never an active bloodlines user more pally with the founder. Another is a group one of my oldest long since deleted friends created, when I became the last member I added an alt to save it so I could play around with custom tags, if anyone does find it, it has a hefty join fee

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18 hours ago, Island Granville said:

A little while ago I let go of my JEVN Users group, and I remember a pang of remorse immediately after leaving it. It's a dead product, and the group was never much of a social experience, but it was still something I couldn't get back - I spent a lot of time with that system, and it was part of my SL experience back in the day. Since then it's been harder for me to let those old groups go. It's more than nostalgia...seeing the groups on my list every day keeps those magical early days of SL alive in my imagination I guess. 

There's one group I can't let go, that defines my early SL identity. Out of 70+ members, only 4 others have logged into SL in 2022, and none in 2023.

Anyone else the last one standing in your favourite group?

I'm the last one standing in a handful of groups, one or two that I created as far back as 2005. The rest I just can't bring myself to let go of. I don't have a favorite, it's sentimental for me. I keep them hidden because no one needs to know. 🤫😉

It did take me a long time to leave groups like JEVN but at some point, for that type of group, you just have to let go. Especially if you are basic.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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  • 1 month later...

There's one on my list that is "currently on a break" that I refuse to drop cos...

  1.  I paid 750L to join.
  2.  They went on their "break" one month after I paid that 750L to join.
  3.   I just know the second I drop the group, they will be back and I'll have to pay ANOTHER 750L to rejoin.

No I'm not bitter about this or anything...

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I'm not that old in SL, 10 years. But I can't let go of a group called Barefoot Radio Social Club. It was founded by Ed Merryman. You may have seen this name before as he was the founder of most Firestorm support groups and used to be the lead support for the Firestorm Viewer. He was my mentor and taught me basically everything I know from the viewer. He taught classes for the viewer in voice and was very good at it, he was a really nice and helpful man.

Around the end of 2019 he suddenly announced he would no longer do the classes and soon after announced he would leave Firestorm Support. He has not been online anymore since February 2020 and I miss him very much. I don't know if he's ok or just had enough of SL and just left it. So yeah, I will never leave that group.

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On 3/5/2023 at 2:56 AM, Island Granville said:

It's more than nostalgia...seeing the groups on my list every day keeps those magical early days of SL alive in my imagination I guess. 

Sound pretty nostalgic to me, but yeah, I have some I keep around "for old times sake" because it's a genuine souvenir of those times. I could just keep a notecard with the names of those groups, or their UUIDs or something, but having a group membership, a kind of certificate of belonging, is different than merely remembering.

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