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trouble issues

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No one will send you a response by e-mail.  This is a resident-to-resident forum.  Lindens may read things here from time to time but they expect you to submit a Support Case if you have a personal problem with SL. The best I can do is offer this bit of generic advice from https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Error_messages:

Your local network may be blocking secure logins. It's also possible (but comparatively rare) that your secure login is failing due to an incorrect date/time on your computer.

To verify, double-clicking the clock in the Windows taskbar (usually in the lower-right corner of the screen). On a Mac, check your Date & Time. Make sure it's not a year off! Most modern computers can set their time automatically, including daylight savings.

Be sure a firewall or Internet security isn't blocking Second Life access.

If you're on an office or university network, your network administrator may have secure logins disabled. In this case, you may not be able to use Second Life on that network connection.

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