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Club Soho is Hiring Djs & Hosts!!


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Are you a DJ, or a Host? Club SoHo Is wainting on you!! 
We're a club that dedicates to Dance music, EDM, Trance, House music, and more.  We've been here at SL 7 years ago, so we're here to stay!! 
So if you want to show up your talent, come on over to the best place to work, and having fun. We have many of available sets waiting for you, and if you know about someone who's a Dj or Host bring'em to this post!!

*Apply now! Click the google forms links down below:

Djs applcation form: https://forms.gle/5y6nFoEHfbR7Gi668

Hosts application formhttps://forms.gle/UyD36JRikMKX5JB59

So don't wait, apply today!!

*Experience is required*




Edited by Catlene07
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