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Syntax error


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The bottom of the script (i highlighted in orange for reference) keeps giving me a syntax error. I am fairly new to scripting and I've search for 2 days now and I just can't seem to find or see what I am doing wrong here? Any help would be appreciated and if I'm posting this in the wrong place I apologize


integer FLOAT_HEIGHT = 5; // change this value to adjust the height of the floating object

float swaySpeed = 0.1; // change this value to adjust the speed of the sway motion

float swayAmplitude = 1.0; // change this value to adjust the amplitude of the sway motion

integer listener; // the ID of the chat listener

vector startPos; // the starting position of the avatar

rotation startRot; // the starting rotation of the avatar

integer TOUCH_CHANNEL = -422; // change this value to adjust the channel that the object listens on for touch events





        startPos = llGetPos(); // store the starting position of the avatar

        startRot = llGetRot(); // store the starting rotation of the avatar

        llSetTouchText("Touch to attach to right hand"); // set the touch text of the object

        llListen(TOUCH_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); // listen for touch events on the specified channel


touch_start(integer total_number)


    key toucher = llDetectedKey(0); // get the key of the avatar who touched the object

    llRequestPermissions(toucher, PERMISSION_ATTACH); // request permission to attach the object to the avatar's hand


run_time_permissions(integer perm)


    if (perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH) // if permission to attach was granted


        key toucher = llDetectedKey(0); // get the key of the avatar who touched the object

        llAttachToAvatar(toucher, ATTACH_RHAND); // attach the object to the avatar's right hand

        llOwnerSay("Attached to your right hand."); // send a message to the owner of the object

        listener = llListen(0, "", toucher, ""); // listen for chat prompts from the avatar who touched the object

        llSetTouchText(""); // clear the touch text of the object



listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)


    if (message == "drink") // if the message is "drink", start the floating motion


        llSetAnimationOverride("drink"); // animate the avatar to make a drinking motion

        llSetTimerEvent(1.5); // set a timer to start the floating motion after a delay


    else if (message == "burp") // if the message is "burp", stop the floating script and reset the avatar to its starting position


        llListenRemove(listener); // remove the chat listener to stop listening for prompts

        llSetPos(startPos); // set the avatar's position to its starting position

        llStopAnimationOverride("drink"); // stop the drinking animation

        llStopSound(); // stop any sounds that may be playing

        llSetRot(startRot); // set the avatar's rotation to its starting rotation





    vector pos = llGetPos(); // get the current position of the avatar

    pos.z += FLOAT_HEIGHT * llGetTime(); // calculate the new position of the avatar based on the FLOAT_HEIGHT and the elapsed time

    float swayAngle = llSin(llGetTime() * swaySpeed) * swayAmplitude;

    vector swayAxis = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>;

    rotation swayRotation = llEuler2Rot(<swayAngle, 0.0, 0.0>);

    llSetLocalRot(swayRotation * startRot); // apply the sway motion to the avatar's rotation

    llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POSITION, pos]); // set the new position of the avatar

    llSetTimerEvent(0.1); // set a timer to update the position of the avatar

    // animate the avatar with a swaying motion

    list animList = ["HEAD", "LARM", "LFOREARM", "LHAND", "LLeg", "LFoot", "RARM", "RFOREARM", "RHAND", "RLeg", "RFoot"];

    float t = llGetTime() * swaySpeed;

    float amp = llSin(t) * swayAmplitude;

    vector axis = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>;

    rotation rot = llEuler2Rot(<amp, 0.0, 0.0>);

    foreach (string name in animList)


        llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET, [PRIM_ROTATION, rot * llList2Rot(llGetAnimationOverride(name))], llGetLinkNumber(name));



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There is no "foreach", "for each", etc. in LSL.


integer iListLength;

integer iListPos;

iListLength = llGetListLength(mylist);

for (iListPos = 0; iListPos < iListLength; ++iListPos) {

   string sOneEntry;

   sOneEntry = llList2String(mylist, iListPos);

// do stuff with sOneEntry here

} // end of for() loop

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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Also, you cannot called "llDetectedKey()" inside of the run_time_permissions event.  it'll fail without an error. It can only be called from inside detection events (collision, collision_start, collision_end, sensor, touch, touch_start, touch_end) or in functions called by detection events.

Also also a "TOUCH_CHANNEL" variable is being declared and assigned to a listener to ostensibly handle touch events, but touch events do not require a listener to function.  No event does.  The TOUCH_CHANNEL Is being used in no other place and is not even being handled by the listen event.

There are a few/several other "also"s that I won't take time pointing out.

This has the feel of an AI generate script that is kinda there but not quite.

Edited by Anna Salyx
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On 3/2/2023 at 12:19 PM, Anna Salyx said:

This has the feel of an AI generate script that is kinda there but not quite.


No AI transform engine currently is able to write a complex-ish LSL script.

Better to just ask a scripter to write one if it's complex.

ChatGPT is known to make up fictitious event handlers, and even misunderstand completely what some llFunctions do...

(Well, ChatGPT doesn't actually understand what it's writing. It only knows that what it writes "looks good according to its AI algorithm", but it has no domain knowledge, like, at all.)

Other Transform engines are likely doing the same: Generating something that "feels right" but isn't.

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