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Home Servers for use with Second Life


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Does anyone have any experience setting up a server on an old laptop/computer?

A lot of the things i script in SL use node.js express servers running on repl.it,

and they will soon be disallowing keep-alive pingers, so i guess i will need one.

I'm hoping to keep it small and simple, and have both linux and windows comps i can use.

 i'm thinking of something like a WEPN ( Windows, Express, Postgres & Node) or PERN stack. ( or LAMP for linux ).


Thanx for any ...

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You will first need to make sure that computer will be reachable from the Internet. Either by having an actual Public IP (might need to do port mapping on your router), or Dynamic DNS support (on your router, usually + port mapping as well). So much to do ...

(Also, some ISPs frown if you use home Internet to act as a public-serving server and you might be running into hot water with them if that's the case.)

I rather suggest that if you have a credit card, sign up on one of the big cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud) then use their "free tier" features (Oracle Cloud is suprisingly the most generous of them). You will be charged $1 for verification of your credit card, but that $1 will be returned, and after that, you can use their "free tier" for free in perpetuity.

(Even "free tier" instances are eligible for public IP addresses, so you definitely will end up with a publicly reachable server. Some cloud provider free tiers even include a small database instance which might be enough for your needs.)

Edited by primerib1
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