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Breasts animation

iokaste Atheria

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Blender can, yes.

It helps to have addons like Avastar to make things easier, though.



INB4 competitors chime in. The kind that ban you from their "help" group for asking questions or disable your purchased addon for critiquing it in other help groups. 😆

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4 hours ago, iokaste Atheria said:

Is Blender used in this case to create such animations?

I've done it using 3ds Max but yes, you can use Blender.

If using Blender it helps to have an add-on that works easily for this particular situation.  But it's also helpful to know why one may be needed, or if you can do it without an add-on.  As a matter of fact I'll be doing a class showing how this is done in Blender without the use of an add-on.


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12 hours ago, iokaste Atheria said:

Ive seen sometimes female avatars using their hands and push their breasts.

Is Blender used in this case to create such animations?

Blender or any other software able to make animations yes. But if it is your first animation, you are not choosing the easiest one. What you want to do is more difficult than other kinds of animations because:

  • Meshbodies breasts are skinned to PEC_LEFT and PEC_RIGHT volume bones. If you translate these bones in your anim, they wont't come back to their initial position. You have several ways to work around this. Easiest way is to use rotation only, but it will look less pretty than a translation of the breast. Other solution is to have your animation make the bone come back to its initial position, but this will just be the initial position of this bone in the rig that you are you using when making your animation. Which means that it will deform the breasts for people who don't have the bones at the same locations (ie: different values of breasts size/cleavage/buoyancy in the shape editor). Most of these anims result in breast deforming. Sometimes the anim creator propose different versions to work around this. 
  • Have the hands right under the breasts will be difficult. It will work for the rig that you use for making your animation, but people with other arms lengths / breasts sizes won't have the same result, they could have their hands go through the breasts, or too far of them.
Edited by Aglaia
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