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The Moya Land is enriched with a new equipment: "Le BalaMoya".

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Installed in the public garden recently opened on the Moya Land, near the beach, this guinguette with deliciously old-fashioned charm awaits its new activities.

We are open to all original ideas to liven up this place: Dancing, tea dance, poetry tournament, storytellers, and any idea with an artistic and/or cultural vocation.

Only one constraint: the respect of the classification "PG" of the domain Moya Land.

The deposit of "Tip Jar" is authorized.

No commission on tips or remuneration is requested.


Capture d’écran 2023-02-27 à 11.43.35.png

Capture d’écran 2023-02-27 à 11.43.14.png

Edited by Kamerina Kamala
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