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cannot flatten slope parcel

Fury Viper

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I bought 2 mainland parcels and joined them, they are water parcels. when i try to terraform and bring the land up, only a small strip at the back will actually come up, the rest stays sloped. i am pretty familiar with terraforming and how to edit the whole parcel to terraform, i just dont get why it will only raise a small part. even when i lower all of it or flatten all of it, it still is sloped. any help is appreciated.

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17 minutes ago, Fury Viper said:

I bought 2 mainland parcels and joined them, they are water parcels. when i try to terraform and bring the land up, only a small strip at the back will actually come up, the rest stays sloped. i am pretty familiar with terraforming and how to edit the whole parcel to terraform, i just dont get why it will only raise a small part. even when i lower all of it or flatten all of it, it still is sloped. any help is appreciated.

in general mainland has a terraforming limit of + 4 and  - 4 (taken from the original design) if you'r parcels are under water, or maxed out at any side yet, there will be no flattening or other change possible.

You can of course, use prims or mesh landscaping objects to suggest land above the water.

Edited by Juan Marques
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Something that can help you plan is using the revert function in the terraforming tool. Take it all back to the original levels. Then you'll see clearly what you can raise or lower. For a slope, you will find it's best to flatten bits of it and not to attempt to flatten the whole thing. So you end up with more of a terrace effect, with some flatter areas and some slopes between them. Or you can go full terrace and make the edges of the flat bits sharp and put walls over them.

Alternatively, just accept it's a slope, smooth it out, and put any buildings on stilts or a foundation.

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Mainland is limited on terraforming ... your best bet is to make some fake land using prims with grass textures such. I have a huge building on mainland and the building has to be 20 meters up with stairs going up. Terraforming on mainland doesn't have the flexibility it use to back in the old days. 

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Just to add to this thread -- the "Color Sims" ( I am on Umber) still have advanced (or retro from long ago if you want to look at it that way) terraforming.  That is both "good" and "bad" depending on the size of your plot and your neighbors' sensibilities and their aesthetics. 


There was a reason LL changed those terraforming rules.   So think ISLAND :D  

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