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The Creator Appreciation Thread

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We've all seen the creator arrogance thread and the long lists of things we don't like about creators in SL. Without naming names, what are some really nice things that SL creators have done to improve your SL experience? Customer service above and beyond, sharing their knowledge with the community, providing high-quality items, whatever you can think of.

Just a couple of things I can think of recently -

I bought a skybox on the marketplace the other day and left a positive review, and the creator just sent me another skybox for free to say thanks.

I am learning Substance Painter and was following tutorials but it did not help me understand how to use it for Second Life, I found that a kind SL creator had made a YouTube video explaining exactly what I needed to know.


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19 minutes ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

We've all seen the creator arrogance thread and the long lists of things we don't like about creators in SL. Without naming names, what are some really nice things that SL creators have done to improve your SL experience? Customer service above and beyond, sharing their knowledge with the community, providing high-quality items, whatever you can think of.

Just a couple of things I can think of recently -

I bought a skybox on the marketplace the other day and left a positive review, and the creator just sent me another skybox for free to say thanks.

I am learning Substance Painter and was following tutorials but it did not help me understand how to use it for Second Life, I found that a kind SL creator had made a YouTube video explaining exactly what I needed to know.


Can you paste the video? Intriguing 

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The so called arrogance of the creator is not that of creators but the arrogance of humans being arrogant.

I have great admiration for the creators of SL. Without them, I cannot furnish my land, dress up my avatar. Recently I saw a creator who made bouquets like old still lifes of old Dutch masters. Wonderful! Hooray for the creators!

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I went to a store a couple of days ago to spend a gift card that I had picked up at the Shop & Hop.  The demo that I wanted was set up wrong and trying to sell me the fatpack.  I sent the merchant an IM, letting him know the issue and asking him to ping me when it was fixed.  I then went home and went AFK for a short bit.  Came back to a nice reply from the merchant, letting me know he had fixed it and also "Here is a gift for your troubles".  The gift was another gift card.  

Very nice of the merchant and definitely an 'above and beyond' thing that I totally did not expect.

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This will probably sound silly. I really appreciate creators that put gifts out. They could be group gifts, gifts at events, just general gifts. I know they don't have to, so I appreciate that they do. It's very helpful for people on a budget, even new people still deciding to stay, to have things like that. I can tell you from experience they entice me to want to buy things, not that I always can, but I'm intrigued all the same.

I also appreciate creators that don't charge for their groups. I know why some do, and I can understand that they feel they need to, especially if they offer high value group gifts. But as an admitted less well off than others kind of person, I appreciate these groups even more. 

I really do appreciate almost all creators though. Sl would not be sl without creators, good or bad. Ll can't keep this place going without them, never could, never will. 

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I really appreciate creators that ship their stuff mod+++ even though it's unnecessary.

Go the extra mile to include a template 'AO bake' texture just for that one person who really wants to customize. Who don't hardcode linkset parts and instead use names and a script that doesn't care if the owner relinks it all. Who put comments in configuration notecards and don't demand scripts only exist in their own special virgin prims. Who add a few documented linked message hooks just on the off chance it might be useful. Sell the item in white, knowing full well some people will buy and tint. Don't use llDie() unless it's functionally required. Don't log or track or phone home. Don't write and include the functionality to brick the product remotely. Are online and will answer questions in IM. 

I think that's basically creators who make things for themselves and sell the result, who are involved and invested and not just running a brand.

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I would be nekkid without them. And had no tiny pixel plushies and bobas to hold. And don't get me started on the stuff for my parcels...living without my mini hamster in a Cabriolet? Tell me how this life would be! T^T 

Edited by Gwin LeShelle
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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Go the extra mile to include a template 'AO bake' texture just for that one person who really wants to customize. Who don't hardcode linkset parts and instead use names and a script that doesn't care if the owner relinks it all.

My favorite also includes linked messages as an API in all their scripts, along with all of that.

It's really great.

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I appreciate creators who add unrigged items along with their rigged items.  Avatars other than human may be a small percentage of SL, but it is still very much useful, and there are lots of us who need unrigged items.  So, a special thank you to them for thinking of those of us who may be considered 'other', other than human and need unrigged.  I appreciate full perm creators who play fair and write out their terms before buying a full perm kit, not after they've sold the item.  I appreciate most of the creators for all the hard work they do.  It is a lot a work, I know.  I appreciate creators who sell items in an affordable range.  

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I recently bought a new kitchen on the MP (one of those modular types) and I really liked it so I left a 5 star review and a few days later I received another piece of furniture from him, as a thank you. It goes really well with my decor so I'm going to buy some more to match :)

 Are we allowed to share creator names if we're calling them out for good products/services? 

This is the kitchen in question - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/SSKMODULAR-KITCHEN-SET-WITH-CUSTOMIZE-HUD/21091524 the store is Project Blank (which I never even hard of until last week).

Edited by Maitimo
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1 minute ago, Maitimo said:

 Are we allowed to share creator names if we're calling them out for good products/services? 

I've not read anything to the contrary in the ToS. We mention creators' stores in the 'mod perms' thread, so I don't see why not. It's things like self promotion or actual advertising that are not allowed.

Edited by Rick Daylight
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What a great thread 😀

There are some creators whose brick&mortar (!!) stores I frequent lately who have taken great pains to make a lovely, easy, visually calming shopping experience while also offering really generous group gifts whose group-joiners are free.   I'm thinking of two clothing and two furnishing places especially.  Lovely touches.

As I still keenly feel the loss of my favourite body-creator, it makes me also further appreciate the creators who are still around and who still keep going.  Nothing lasts forever and there's no shame in having to pack-it-in and move-on; but to those who are still around and still creating with their passion, I am so grateful and we are all very fortunate that these people do what they do and have been doing what they do despite the challenges they (and we all) face.

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I know myself I've come off sounding pretty harsh about creators sometimes, but really more just sellers  than creators.. Meaning those that just come to sell and not really create..

Creators make most of everything about my world and inspire new directions for me all the time.. Honestly, I wouldn't have even went in a lot of directions that I have without them..

Doing a search and discovering something new and exciting that I didn't even know existed in here..That's like opening up a whole new road and world for me..

I've met so many, became friends with a lot and learned so much  from so many creators and still do.. just about every one that I have ever had to deal with one on one has been more than helpful.. A lot of times  those ended up in long fun and informative conversations.. I've even ended up with products for life because of some of the friendships.

I have so much respect for those that create and especially are so creative..

It's really easy to put them on another level other than just one of us, but when I get in IM's with any of them, most times it's been really down to earth and respectful and many times laughing in tears..

Without them, I'd be standing on a flat piece of sandbox, wondering what I'm doing here..That would have been years ago saying that, rather than all these years later with an inventory that I have to keep organized because of all the stuff they helped me fill it with, that has made up a lot of my wonderful world up to today..

Basically, I wouldn't be anywhere without them..

Creators that create, I have all the respect in the world for.. 

The fly by night  and quick hitter sellers, which for me is not the same thing as what creators are.. Not so much.

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Being ridiculously accessible. Like, @ them in Discord and get a response directly from the owner or design team (depending on the issue) as soon as they're available. The owner is also in chat often to share news, updates, and...memes, lol.

Giving customers advanced notice of sales and giving us the opportunity to not only suggest which items go on sale, but vote on them as a community, with more votes leading to higher discounts with no limit. Being given the ability to influence sales is awesome on its own, but the voting process is always a good time and we have a lot of fun trying to decide on what we want.

Giving customers insight into WIPs and major product line updates, including teaser screenshots direct from the 3D app, and asking for our input on features we'd like to have. Some things are kept secret just for funsies, but most are open for discussion, suggestions, and requests.

Releasing items (both paid and free) that are creator-friendly and come complete with dev kits so other creators and hobby designers in our community can play with them and make fun mods and addons for the rest of us.

Offering customers a special channel on the Discord server to make general requests and suggestions for the store's product line (it'd be so cool if you guys made X), responding to our ideas and giving feedback (great idea, we can do this in the future once we...hmm, this wouldn't work because... omg yes I love that I'm passing it on to the design team immediately *tags every designer*, etc.), and being open for special private commissions - provided they aren't swamped with work.

Being sensitive to human error - as in will work with you on purchasing mistakes, SL/vendor glitches, and all sorts of other issues that some creators will file under "not my problem, no refunds."

Leaving super nice comments on your photos when you drop them into their creator/group pool.

Offering free gifts to group members for absolutely no reason at all. Just boom, cool stuff dropped on ya heads.

And finally, creators with gift credit/cards that never expire. Omg, thank you. I'm a disaster when given a time limit. I always forget! ❤️

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Substance Painter FTW!

I paid a one-time fee for it on Steam, rather than a monthly fee to Adobe. The downside is, that, right now, I can't import my wooden shoe into SP, because someone else is currently playing Just Act Natural on Steam, on my account. (I didn't even know I had this game).


P.S. This will be Mod.

[Update] Shall I kick them off?


Nah. I'll take a break and type something useless on a forum. :P 

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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Can I post a positive about the forums here? I think it counts, people create posts and comments, that makes them creators. I'm going to do it anyway.

Reading the forums has given me so much information that I might not otherwise find easily. I spent probably about an hour earlier fixing my inventory. It's not very big but because I grab a lot of group things, events and free things, I can end up with a bunch of folders all from the same place. Because there was a thread here about inventories, I knew it would be a good idea to start sorting it better now before it gets bad. So I made folders and I put all similar things in those folders today.  Now they are foldered in folders, but labeled easy so I know what's in it. It's not the best solution, but it's a good one for now until I look through everything proper. Sometimes I get things and realize later I don't need or want it. Sometimes I also forget when I get something. Now with folders after I wander, I can put stuff right away to look at it later. 

I learn new things all the time here, probably a lot of times when people don't think the information is as valuable as it really is. I learn something new every time I come here.  So I'm glad people post on the forums, even if it doesn't always go to plan or the most productive topics. Everyone can learn something from everyone else. I like that part, and I'm grateful people still have the forum people to learn from. 

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I would echo many points that have been included already. I'm really appreciative of creators, not just because I don't necessarily want to have to create everything myself, but because of what it contributes to the SL world.

In terms of products, I'm appreciative especially of those who make freebies and gifts. I have gotten some awesome things over the years that have made my SL more beautiful and enjoyable in so many ways.  They don't have to do it, and it really helps those who are on a budget.

I appreciate creators who make mod items so I can recolour or texure or unlink parts if I need to. And those who include mulitple colour or texture options in their clothing, rather than following the trend to charge for separate single colours - I understand why they do it, but it makes those that don't stand out to me, and I am more willing to part with my money for their things.

But generally I am thankful for those who just continue to make different, interesting and beautiful things and places in second life for the love of it, sharing their enthusiasm and creativity with us. Without them the SL world would be a very different place! Creators - even if you don't always get a personal thank you from users, you are appreciated and make SL what it is.

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When we had gacha, I really appreciated the creators who let us trade the transfer items against copy items.

I also appreciate creators who put their old gachas out for sale as copy now. Some price them very high, but they are available, and it is up to us if we will buy or not.

I saw a gacha in the store, that was sold as a full set for 5000 L. I thought it was too much. Then the creator set it out as a weekend sale, the different items was sold separately. And the whole set for 1700 L.

I think that was a good deal for me.

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I appreciate the creators who stick to the original 88 L price in Collabor 88. Instead of taking 288, 488, 988 or more.

Sure, they set the price and it looks like few care that it's nothing to save now. But I buy one of the creator's items every month, because they are true to the thought of C88.

I buy one other creators packs because it is cheaper than in his store. Not 88 L, but he has high prices in his store. I like that I get a deal in C88 and several colors.

So I am not so cheap that I only want 88 items. But give me an offer lower than in your store, and I am often hooked.

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I appreciate most of all those creators who actively help make SL fun for the rest of us. I mean those who do things like put a lot of effort into events (I don't mean just a boring region full of shopping booths); designing and organising them, encouraging people to participate, running competitions and hunts that actually have some proper effort and thought put into making them fun and engaging, having parties and dances just because they can and not simply focused on making more money for themselves. Maybe having a region that has more to it that just a big shop, which people can enjoy exploring for itself. Creators who encourage newbies by making them welcome and offering starter gifts. Creators who are active in SL for more than just making money out of us.

Basically, those who really enjoy SL themselves and have a generous nature.

Edited by Rick Daylight
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Many stores do a great job and I do notice and appreciate it. Hair stores for example, are almost always squared away and I always say to myself, “Why can’t all stores be like this?” There are many other types of stores that do well. I know it’s difficult to get everything right and it’s amazing that SL has so many creators making the effort. 

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