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SL Media?

Noriko Engawa

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At least to me, as a casual observer, it seems that there has been big increase in higher quality videos from LL itself and from residents.  I stumble upon a few through YouTube recommendations.  Still, I suspect I may be missing some great ones.  Is there a place that people are tending to post their videos?  Any good places to check besides the official LL blog or the Machinima section here on the forums?  

Vlogs are great, of course, but I'm asking more about things like short films created using Second Life.

Any recommendations are appreciated!  🙂

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You could email @Strawberry Linden and ask. She is the heavy-lift social helicopter of SL.

While you mention the SL blog and forum, have you seen these? These are the articles on machinima that search returns: Machinima

Depending on the TYPE of machinima you are interested in there are various blogs covering specific genres. Google search is your best hope of finding those. Vimeo, Instagram, TicToc (if you are foolish), Facebook, and Twitter have some posts.

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