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Fort Freyview opening March 2023

Dark Nebula

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One of the original 13 colonies, South Carolina is home to some of the oldest military facilities in the country. Fort Freyview, near Charleston, is one of those places, a military town, composed of the military base and its supporting civilian town area, brings the best of Carolina to you. With the military, public service (fire, police, EMS, hospital), and dozens of civilian jobs, there is something for everyone. 

Your nation is calling you to serve. Will you answer? 

Seeking: Staffing for Fire, Police, MIlitary, Hospital and Various Civilian Life jobs. 

Also Seeking: Rental Moderators, Fire Chief and Hospital Director. Join discord to apply. 


Discord: https://discord.gg/E8Jt9e6NmA

Website: https://fortfreyviewsl.com 

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