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[BUG-233430] llToHex(number, uppercase)


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Another JIRA ticket from me: BUG-233430



New function: llToHex()

Function signature:

    string llToHex(integer number, integer uppercase);

Returns the number but in hexadecimal, without leading "0x".


  • uppercase – if TRUE, return hexadecimal using uppercase letters. If FALSE, use lowercase letters.



Feel free to pipe up in the linked bug ticket!

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Without going to the link, can you tell me if you are requesting a new function, or are you reporting a bug on an existing new function?

The "BUG-XXX" links are confusing if used for "feature requests" 🙂 

*Edit* I see the "LSL Feature Request" tag in the thread now.


Edited by Love Zhaoying
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Personally I'd like something that allows for a freely chosen radix between 2 and 36, like the Javascript Number.toString(radix) and parseInt(..., radix). Sure, hex is the one that is most commonly useful, along with binary, but if a conversion function (or a pair of functions) was added natively, unusual bases might allow some interesting optimizations or tricks with less effort.

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41 minutes ago, Frionil Fang said:

Personally I'd like something that allows for a freely chosen radix between 2 and 36, like the Javascript Number.toString(radix) and parseInt(..., radix). Sure, hex is the one that is most commonly useful, along with binary, but if a conversion function (or a pair of functions) was added natively, unusual bases might allow some interesting optimizations or tricks with less effort.

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6 hours ago, Frionil Fang said:

Personally I'd like something that allows for a freely chosen radix between 2 and 36, like the Javascript Number.toString(radix) and parseInt(..., radix). Sure, hex is the one that is most commonly useful, along with binary, but if a conversion function (or a pair of functions) was added natively, unusual bases might allow some interesting optimizations or tricks with less effort.

Well, you can always comment in the bug to add your suggestion 🙂

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