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Having trouble with the market place


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Hello all, so i bought an item off the market place and it took my money but then put it back in and told me my item would be delivered shortly, but in second life it took my money but didn't give me the item. so i tried it again. i have two different amounts and no item. i logged in and out and still nothing. i even looked to see if i could redeliver but it says i havent bought anything. I don't know what to do. 

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Just happened to me as well.  I paid using the Marketplace "Buy Now" button > looked as it always looks > money pulled from FS L$ total and shows as an invoice number in Account > Transactions and takes me to the final confirm page where I click through to my Marketplace Invoices. I click that link, and it is not listed as either a pending/delivered.  

I will wait awhile, and if invoice #1601793401 does not appear in my Marketplace Account purchases showing pending/delivered, I presume I will need to file a support ticket.  On a Sunday.  And make sure I have my Transactions > Invoice info ready in case I have to file.

Grid status page shows all is well. I guess at least for two of us over the last 30 minutes, it wasn't.  

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45 minutes ago, Kyrie Deka said:

Just happened to me as well.  I paid using the Marketplace "Buy Now" button > looked as it always looks > money pulled from FS L$ total and shows as an invoice number in Account > Transactions and takes me to the final confirm page where I click through to my Marketplace Invoices. I click that link, and it is not listed as either a pending/delivered.  

I will wait awhile, and if invoice #1601793401 does not appear in my Marketplace Account purchases showing pending/delivered, I presume I will need to file a support ticket.  On a Sunday.  And make sure I have my Transactions > Invoice info ready in case I have to file.

Grid status page shows all is well. I guess at least for two of us over the last 30 minutes, it wasn't.  

There are a couple other posts about this issue in other sections of the forums.  Everyone should file a ticket so LL knows what's going on.  The fixed an issue yesterday so hopefully they're still around to fix this one quickly.

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