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Help with Process with selling $L then to Tilia to Paypal- Solved


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****SOLVED- I found it out, from Tilia to PayPal is 5%, minimum US $3


Update, Paypal is set up and confirmed, I also am fully verified with Tilia. So, just was wondering now if there are fees to go from Tilia to Paypal. I know when I sell the $L that I will have to pay 3.50% fee, but is there a fee from Tilia to Paypal?


Hi, I have never taken money out of SL or sold Lindens, however I bought Lindens and gave them away in the past. I have accumulated some that I wish to be sold, then processed into Tilia and sent to my Paypal acct. For those who do this, can you give me the steps, please? I know that I have to provide my driver's license and social security number, I did read the list of things needed. I was wondering though, when should I input my PayPal info into SL? Does it take a certain amount of time for it to be set before I can start the process? I know there is a fee to sell Lindens, but can't find if there is a fee for processing into Tilia then sending to Paypal?

Thanks so much in advance!


P.S. I did not earn these Lindens, they are from when I was buying them, to which I don't need right now.

Edited by blissfulbreeze
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  • blissfulbreeze changed the title to Help with Process with selling $L then to Tilia to Paypal- Solved
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