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WANTED! Hud creator for a custom hud!


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(Move if needed not sure where to post this)

I'm looking for someone to make a hud for me. I want a family hud for me and my family that works with LB avatars! I would want it exclusively for me to give out to family members! Things can be taken off if its not able to be done in SL, im not sure the limits. Please msg me inworld: XDarkHarmonyX (Harmony Rayne) OR on instagram if im not on XDarkHarmonyX.sl so we can talk more about it! 


What I would l like for it to have for LB:

states- hunger, sleep, care, cleanness, play time, sickness and contact

titles-Sister, Father, Mother, Cousins ect

carrying- being able to be attached to someone with them able to carrying LBs in their arms (need custom animation(s) )

A diaper system- that lets them know (can be script to add to other objects like wet whips and diaper boxes that never runs out of uses not tryin make my family pay to take care of me xD)

Feeding system- ( I'm thinking a bottle warmer that they can click on that has a timer on it, that then gives them a bottle that they can either pick me up and give me or copy over to me)

Crying system for LB- Can have custom animations but not needed, lets them know when I'm crying

Baby monitor- when the baby isnt around the "monitor" lets them know what the baby needs (can be script for monitor meshes)

Sleeping system for LB- A script to let the baby sleep in a crib or ground filling the sleep meter, baby gets cranky if it doesn't sleep

Baby babbler- baby noises (crying, cooing, laughing) 

Change baby clothes- A baby closet where the adults can change the babies outfit (a maybe)


What I would like for adults:

States- Sleep, sickness, relaxing 

Script for chairs and pools to raise relaxing stat 

titles-Sister, Father, Mother, Cousins ect

partners- lets people see who you are dating

Able to attach baby by hud

High five - can give high fives (just text)

Kiss on cheek/ forehead - can kiss on cheek forehead

Set last name- sets last name 

Pause- lets the huds be paused 

Hug- can hug others in the hud (can be animation or not)

Hold hands- can hold hands with others to let them follow 

Sleep- Can put a script in any bed to raise sleep 

Teleport- Teleport someone that is AFK to you

Kiss on lips- makes muah sound and lets the other person accept or decline. 

Pills- to cure sickness (coughing, sneezing, headace)

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