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IF i Abandon Linden Home i will have 1024sqm to buy in other place and no fees?

Mauro Bender

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8 minutes ago, Mauro Bender said:

I have a Linden Home but i want to sell or rent the land . So in this Linden Home i cant, for that reason myu question is: if i abandon it, i will have 1024 sqm with 0 fees to use in another place not Linden Home? Thanks a lot!!!!

thats correct  !  

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you get a 1024 allowance with a premium account. You can either get a bellisseria home with it or you can use it as 1024 sqM of "free" tier allowance. For example, if you get a 2048 sqM L Mainland, then instead of being charged tier for 2048 SqM, you will only be changed tier for 1024 sqM. If you only get a 1024 sqM mainland parcel, then you will not be charged tier for it, providing you dont get the Linden Home.

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1 hour ago, Mauro Bender said:

I have a Linden Home but i want to sell or rent the land . So in this Linden Home i cant, for that reason myu question is: if i abandon it, i will have 1024 sqm with 0 fees to use in another place not Linden Home? Thanks a lot!!!!

Correct. You will have an initial cost of buying a parcel (1024 sq m is for use on Mainland), whether from another user, by auction, or by requesting to buy abandoned land, but after that, you won't have monthly land fees to pay.

(Not to complicate this too much, but if you have a group and donate your 1024 allowance to it, then buy the land in the group's name, you can purchase a parcel that is a bit larger thanks to the group's 10% land bonus.)

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