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How does one apply to be on the lab gab with strawberry?


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I thought "Lab Gab" was talking with Lab folks, and occasionally folks like Casper Warden after the Lab bought out CasperTech, and that WARRHEID film on which the Lab was a partner. There are a bunch of other series on the SecondLife YouTube channel, though, like "Destinations", "Spotlight", "Made in Second Life", "Second Life University", etc., so maybe if content comes to Strawberry's attention (e.g., featured in the Destination Guide), it would be more likely to be included in an episode of one of those.

Edited by Qie Niangao
(forgot the channel link)
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  • Lindens

Please read my inworld profile to see the best way to contact me. There is no application process for Lab Gab, and currently, I am not regularly doing those anymore.

For a chance to be featured on Spotlight, there is an application here, which is listed at the end of every Spotlight post: https://second.life/spotlight-signup

For a chance to be featured in a Made in SL video, you can get in touch with our video contractor Draxtor Despres at madeinsl@draxtor.com



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