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Blocking Ineffective


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For 2 years i wandered all the worst possible places and never felt the need to block anybody . When i finally did block somebody it was because they were ruining my SL . At least a full year later it occurred to me that i should block the many many alts they came at me with if only so i have a list and so i blocked the same person about 7 more times .

That number would be over 20 if i was inclined to block but they rarely used the same alt twice so it was to late to add those i'd missed .

It didn't stop there though , its almost laughable that they began to visit me trying to be friends once it became clear to all that i was consumed with hate .

More fool me i know , took me a long long time to recognise what i was doing to myself , but hey once i did i was able to pull myself out of that rut even if my rl was falling apart at the same time for unrelated reasons .

I expect the first reply and all those that follow in reply to the above statement will be along the lines of

"could have fooled us"

So to pre-empt it i will say read my profile .


Edited by cunomar
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I believe if someone continue grief using alt they have mental illness.

and I found good number in world.

Inthink guy with narcistic disorder..

most NPD is suffer by man than woman.

as man I never feel need to block since , when I talk as my self same as real, nasty people auto back off

Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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13 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Not by anyone who matters.  The same topic was discussed a few months ago, as @Madelaine McMastersposted at the beginning, with a similar outcome.  Nothing has changed.

Surely you have been around long enough to know that changes by the Lindens are measured in years not months, even after they have acknowledged a need for a change?

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14 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

I agree with most of what you say here but I don't feel it is all that complicated. If two children can't get along then we isolate them from each other until they are willing to work things out. The best way to accomplish that with a minimal fuss or Linden interaction is to simply block their ability to interact with each other, visually and textually.

In other words, treat everyone as if they were an unruly child, regardless of the issue or adult behavior.

No, thank you.

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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Surely you have been around long enough to know that changes by the Lindens are measured in years not months, even after they have acknowledged a need for a change?

Regardless of how long it takes, Lindens have come in and also said, File a New Feature Request in the jira as the way to get something looked at.  You've been around here long enough to know that, too.

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It is very telling that some of the users here act as though there isn't a Report system that should be used if the need arises.

It is further telling that these same users pretend that the advice/solution to make use of the stock Block/Mute as well as any additional TPV features (Derender/Blacklist and such) does not include filing an Abuse Report as a matter of course, where applicable. It does not need to be stated - if you're being harassed, you file the Report. You then use the existing tools. You do this for every single Alt that shows up, if the harassing user is even slightly serious about their harassment/abuse. You do not respond to them. You do not give them any satisfaction. You do not give them anything after that first interaction.

They also utterly fail to realize that the two way blocking they've been pushing would be a visual indicator of a 'response'. While also failing to recognize that there is nothing whatsoever stopping such a person from rolling up a new Alt, decking it out in some ARable manner (one which would affect their target as well if ARed) and having someone in on it file a report.


The proposed "feature" is a non-starter.

Use what is available. Stop responding/rising to the attempts.

If they go the RL route at any point get the proper authorities involved if you're concerned.

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17 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

The forum is full of posts proposing alternative ways for Secondlife to be doing things rather then the way they are and in spite of their normal lack of response here, at least ideas get more exposure here then they do on feature requesting Jira's.

Strange coming from one whose typical discussion is a 😄 response. Even now you are not discussing the issue but just attacking the poster and what you have posted so far on the topic, I feel is a weak argument as I have pointed out already.

Exposing an idea for changing the SL software to more residents doesn't accomplish anything. The Linden engineers don't spend much time in the forum, except for special cases. However, filing a JIRA feature or bug report will definitely bring it to their attention.

3 hours ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Surely you have been around long enough to know that changes by the Lindens are measured in years not months, even after they have acknowledged a need for a change?

Depends on the change. We should also differentiate between changes and fixes. Fixes are sometimes a matter of hours. And some take years and progress incrementally.

Those ACI numbers from the time of recommendation to implementation only took months. That minor change has had a major impact on SL performance. Improving the number is taking years as the variation in computers makes it a slippery number.

The JIRA has a graph of bugs and suggestions submitted per week/month and the number handled per week/month. While many think the Lindens are slow to respond, the JIRA tells a different story.

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On 2/15/2023 at 2:02 PM, cunomar said:

I blocked and walked away , maybe 2 years later they quit griefing me perhaps because they learned i was actively seeking a real name and address .

You sound exactly like the two cases of manipulative, sociopathic, psychotic types that Lindel Labs seems to love bending over and pandering to.

1) Had a certain male that wanted to do the pixel sex thing. When I said no, he went forth and tried to obtain my real-life name, address, phone number by paying someone to do it. When that obviously failed, the certain male came crying to me about how I owned him $500usd for the failed attempt while he ran around second life telling everyone how "mean" I was. Even went as far as to report me to Liden Labs because that incident and all his IM's are now posted on a blog. Not sorry to say when you are the aggressor you do not get to be victim.

2) More recently had two furies come up with some vicious and slanderous stuff, even going as far as to threaten my wife's, my son's and my life all because I would not pixel sleep with one of them.

So yeah, when you say stuff like this, I feel not for you but those you claim are your aggressors.

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On 2/15/2023 at 12:28 PM, Piikoi said:

While blocking helps prevent me from seeing the abuses, the abusers can still see me.

A few moments later

On 2/15/2023 at 12:28 PM, Piikoi said:

Is there a different way to block, a way to make me invisible to the abusers, something that would prevent abusers from seeing me rather than just prevent me from seeing them?

I am not sorry, but what? I am a little confused. This comes off as a little too vain, almost revenge like. Now I am sure that is not he cases here, but if you block someone then you should not worry about them seeing you, unless there is way more to this whole thing that you are not telling us.

On 2/15/2023 at 12:28 PM, Piikoi said:

My aim isn't to interfere with other residents' lifestyles - if you want to be an #*)&^ then go ahead, you be you - I just want to enjoy SL without being harassed. 

That is exactly what you are trying to ask for. This has me concerned and want to know the story not being told.

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3 hours ago, Nalates Urriah said:

Exposing an idea for changing the SL software to more residents doesn't accomplish anything. The Linden engineers don't spend much time in the forum, except for special cases. However, filing a JIRA feature or bug report will definitely bring it to their attention.

I disagree in that I have seen in past that the Lab will more seriously consider something when there is a greater percentage of residents behind it. The recent bot issue is an example and there have been other examples in the not very distant past where they stepped in and affected changes. The engineers may not look through the forums but their bosses certainly do.


Depends on the change. We should also differentiate between changes and fixes. Fixes are sometimes a matter of hours. And some take years and progress incrementally.

Well as this is a potential security issue for residents it would be good if they did look at it quickly and put in a greater level of protectiveness for those being stalked, harassed and or griefed. Derendering, and blocking someone who is affecting another resident negatively is obviously not enough considering the example @Rat Luv shared on a previous page.



The JIRA has a graph of bugs and suggestions submitted per week/month and the number handled per week/month. While many think the Lindens are slow to respond, the JIRA tells a different story.

I'd love to see that graph but couldn't find it. Do you have a link for it?

Edited by Arielle Popstar
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I tried to report just once , memory is vague but in order to do so it was necessary to unblock and returned to the sim i had by then completely banned myself from ? I'd deleted ever single contact , quit every single group . Wandered from sim to sim never staying any place long because if i did they would find me . Rebuilt my avatar , changed all my clothes ,convinced they had a tracker on me (former friends so maybe i was wearing a gift?) . They only got bored when i stopped moving and talking for over a year .

I had no interest in conflict , those who do in a virtual word are either children or so insignificant in rl as to be 40+ year old virgins with absolutely no concept of real physical conflict and the spilt blood and broken bones that go along with it .

For me it doesn't matter any more , its done , finished , over . SL is a game peopled only by uninteresting robots .

12 hours ago, WolfeRiegn said:

when you say stuff like this, I feel not for you but those you claim are your aggressors.

The relevant sim used to keep traffic up by making almost everyone staff of some sort so maybe 80% of traffic was made up of regulars . I was asked to be official greeter , though i declined , in the days before it all went wrong .

Many of these staff/regulars gave me the heads up and promised me their support when it became common knowledge that the individual was manipulating others and trying to have me banned .

I wasn't the first you see , the DJ had been a regular for many years before i ever joined SL and still refuses to return on principal .

I think i may have spoken to the owner about the matter a month prior to my leaving for good . I certainly spoke to the mysterious lady who found me as a newbie and introduced me to the club .From the day i met her and forever more i will wonder whose alt she is/was lol .

Regardless it was common knowledge what was going on and also common knowledge to all that to copy alter paste others chat was one of their favourite tools .

Perhaps that's why the expected ban from the club when it came cited something like 5 perma ban reasons and yet i was only banned for a week ?

I never went back .

To me now how blocking people works really doesn't matter because i have been so disillusioned that my imagination fails to believe meaning no nightmares or dreams , I cannot embrace the fiction to realize fantasy .Hence I am very unlikely to ever block anyone again . To me this will be Second Life's enduring legacy .

With the benefit of hindsight i should have quit , should have let the scum run me out of sl . But i'm a fighter and thats what they wanted , so . End result = I lost and they failed .


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57 minutes ago, cunomar said:

I tried to report just once , memory is vague but in order to do so it was necessary to unblock and returned to the sim i had by then completely banned myself from ? I'd deleted ever single contact , quit every single group . Wandered from sim to sim never staying any place long because if i did they would find me . Rebuilt my avatar , changed all my clothes ,convinced they had a tracker on me (former friends so maybe i was wearing a gift?) . They only got bored when i stopped moving and talking for over a year .

I had no interest in conflict , those who do in a virtual word are either children or so insignificant in rl as to be 40+ year old virgins with absolutely no concept of real physical conflict and the spilt blood and broken bones that go along with it .

For me it doesn't matter any more , its done , finished , over . SL is a game peopled only by uninteresting robots .

The relevant sim used to keep traffic up by making almost everyone staff of some sort so maybe 80% of traffic was made up of regulars . I was asked to be official greeter , though i declined , in the days before it all went wrong .

Many of these staff/regulars gave me the heads up and promised me their support when it became common knowledge that the individual was manipulating others and trying to have me banned .

I wasn't the first you see , the DJ had been a regular for many years before i ever joined SL and still refuses to return on principal .

I think i may have spoken to the owner about the matter a month prior to my leaving for good . I certainly spoke to the mysterious lady who found me as a newbie and introduced me to the club .From the day i met her and forever more i will wonder whose alt she is/was lol .

Regardless it was common knowledge what was going on and also common knowledge to all that to copy alter paste others chat was one of their favourite tools .

Perhaps that's why the expected ban from the club when it came cited something like 5 perma ban reasons and yet i was only banned for a week ?

I never went back .

To me now how blocking people works really doesn't matter because i have been so disillusioned that my imagination fails to believe meaning no nightmares or dreams , I cannot embrace the fiction to realize fantasy .Hence I am very unlikely to ever block anyone again . To me this will be Second Life's enduring legacy .

With the benefit of hindsight i should have quit , should have let the scum run me out of sl . But i'm a fighter and thats what they wanted , so . End result = I lost and they failed .


If none of this matters anymore, please help explain why you go to such great lengths to explain it to us.

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Because "blocking ineffective"

They can and probably are still doing it to others .

My rl mother was murdered by her husband , because she is dead should i stop trying to protect others who still live in a similar situation ?

I can clearly see why some are opposed to changes in the block system but i feel they are blind to how it fails .

Perhaps i should apologise for not wanting it to happen to anyone else ?

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Help -> Report Abuse -> Choose -> Near Me tab ((or if you log your IMs and they sent you one ... Go grab their name from there and use Search within that same floater) - assuming FS, default/other TPVs may have a somewhat different configuration). No reason whatsoever to unblock anyone.

The remainder of the post is a prime example of how not to go about Second Life (or the Internet in general) on top of a wide range of other issues that belong solely to the poster.

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Yup , conveniently all my fault with no lose ends to tie up .

"A serving police officer who was raped by David Carrick has said she didn't report it to the Met because her colleagues would have "laughed" and it would have been "the end of my career"

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Aye bit like all those dumb kids taking things to seriously on facebook or whatever . Maybe we should dig them up and fine them posthumously do you think .

What exactly would i report ?

Monday Anne pissed me off Tuesday Amy did the same Wednesday it was Alex Thursday it was Haley and Friday Becky pissed me off and so on and so on and so on for a year or two . People who had never heard me speak unless they were alts of someone who had , people who came looking for me because i'd completely removed myself from all interaction . 

Gamers game the system , I can only rationalize that someone made a dollar bet over who could make me quit .

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On 2/18/2023 at 2:09 PM, Solar Legion said:

It is very telling that some of the users here act as though there isn't a Report system that should be used if the need arises.

It is further telling that these same users pretend that the advice/solution to make use of the stock Block/Mute as well as any additional TPV features (Derender/Blacklist and such) does not include filing an Abuse Report as a matter of course, where applicable. It does not need to be stated - if you're being harassed, you file the Report. You then use the existing tools. You do this for every single Alt that shows up, if the harassing user is even slightly serious about their harassment/abuse. You do not respond to them. You do not give them any satisfaction. You do not give them anything after that first interaction.

Of what value is there in reporting an issue when there is no resolution as a result? The OP clearly stated:


On 2/15/2023 at 2:28 PM, Piikoi said:

Yes, I report the more aggressive residents, but nothing changes because it's not illegal to be a F*^&^% in SL. My aim isn't to interfere with other residents' lifestyles - if you want to be an #*)&^ then go ahead, you be you - I just want to enjoy SL without being harassed. 

And she is far from being the first or only one to point out that reporting did not result in any actions on the Labs part. One can handwave at all the tools but if they are ineffectual or broken then what value is there in taking the time to fill them out and submit?


They also utterly fail to realize that the two way blocking they've been pushing would be a visual indicator of a 'response'. While also failing to recognize that there is nothing whatsoever stopping such a person from rolling up a new Alt, decking it out in some ARable manner (one which would affect their target as well if ARed) and having someone in on it file a report.

Doesn't it occur to you that the successful resolution of a report would by necessity be an indicator to the perp that they have been reported to the Lab for their actions? I've never received a warning for any infractions but I would assume that if one receives such cease and desist notification, there would be some indication of time and place and perhaps even the parties involved rather than just a tip to not be icky when dealing with other residents.



The proposed "feature" is a non-starter.

Use what is available. Stop responding/rising to the attempts.


The feature would really be little more then an extension of the current feature where avatars on a different parcel are invisible. A resident having the ability to block the view of more local avatars who may have caused them issues in the past is not that big of a stretch.

Are you an incognito Linden who uses the Forums to dictate to others what they can and cannot do or talk about? Some of this comes across as really bossy without bringing in any facts as to whether the tools you are touting are of any real value in dealing with abusive residents.

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2 hours ago, cunomar said:

Aye bit like all those dumb kids taking things to seriously on facebook or whatever . Maybe we should dig them up and fine them posthumously do you think .

What exactly would i report ?

Monday Anne pissed me off Tuesday Amy did the same Wednesday it was Alex Thursday it was Haley and Friday Becky pissed me off and so on and so on and so on for a year or two . People who had never heard me speak unless they were alts of someone who had , people who came looking for me because i'd completely removed myself from all interaction . 

Gamers game the system , I can only rationalize that someone made a dollar bet over who could make me quit .



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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

And she is far from being the first or only one to point out that reporting did not result in any actions on the Labs part.

This isn't the first time this has to be pointed out and it likely won't be the last time.

LL does NOT inform residents of any actions taken by LL against another resident. 

LL does NOT inform residents of any actions taken by LL against another resident. 


For privacy reasons, we are unable to share the details of an investigation into an abuse report.


Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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Congrats. Take the needed steps and move on (Report, block/mute and/or derender/blacklist). They circumvent the block? Repeat the prior steps. Repeat as many times as it takes because guess what - you cannot do much more whatsoever. Not here, not anywhere else either. 

And anyone attempting to conflate real life stalking to Second Life has immediately lost whatever 'argument' they were trying to have and nulled any 'point' they were attempting to make.

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