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How to create an avatar


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Hi there. I'm new here and I confess i'm a total mess in SL. I'm trying so hard to create a cute avi :))but I fail.

If I have a legacy body and lelutka head -siwa do I have to use the exact shape for siwa or can I use any shapes for lelutka heads?

Edited by Persegoddess
Wrong word
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Try picking out a good skin for yourself too. I recommend making your own face shape. It takes a while to set the sliders and make your face exactly as you want. It helps if you have either a very strong idea of what you want or have a photo of a face you'd like to emulate. Sometimes you have to move the sliders in a direction you weren't expecting in order to get your face to a certain shape. 

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I, personally, find the skin I like first that works for EvoX and try the shape.that often comes.with the skin.  You purchase a skin because you like the look of it.  Working from the shape included with that skin will be a good base for achieving the look in the vendor.photo regardless of which Lelutka head you're using.

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Shapes are a bit of a problem. We are trying to get them to make a head shape and a body shape, separate shapes. Rather than the current combined head and body shape.

It takes practice to get a look one likes. And there are ratios in shape that strike the eye as beauty. Learning those ratios and learning how to implement them takes some skill and time. So many people buy their shapes.

It is possible to export Full Perm shapes and then combine them in an editor. If you are good with XML then it is easy. You can then take head settings from one shape and use those to replace the head settings in any other shape... or replace body settings and keep head settings.

Save copies of shapes and work with copies so you can recover from mistakes.

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