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Mesh Upload limits


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Hi! I have a small question, well, two of them : D. 

1. What happens exactly when you upload the mesh that has more than 256 prims?

2. I noticed that when I upload the mesh with many triangles, the screen goes black and the viewer crashes when it tried to display the preview of it (by many triangles I mean for example 200 prims per 2000 triangles each = 400 000 triangles in total or 7 prims per 50k triangles = 350k triangles in total). Is this normal behaviour? Because I can easily link together complex meshes inworld just fine and nothing bad happens, just the mesh preview seems not to be able to stand too many triangles. And I ask because I would rather avoid splitting my mesh into smaller linksets as it takes more time then to upload everything and I have to pay 10 L fee more times - and also I will have to manually position one part to another one.

Thank you in advance for help! ❤️

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4 hours ago, sumix21 said:

Is this normal behaviour?

Yes, it's normal behaviour.

In addition to the various triangle/vertice count and linkset size limits (see https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits), you also overload your viewer if you try to upload something that big in one go. Even if it doesn't crash, it will time out long before it has finished processing that massive amount of data.

4 hours ago, sumix21 said:

Because I can easily link together complex meshes inworld just fine and nothing bad happens

Yes, you can work around the limitations this way but you really should think twice before you do. You say nothing bad happens but did you try it in a sim full of other stuff or in an empty sandbox?

Any reasonably modern computer should be able to handle one or two million tris, maybe even four or five millions if you're not too concerned about low frame rates. But that is for the whole scene. You want to use at least 1/10th of those tris for a single object.

I won't tell you right out not to do it because it depends:

  • If it's only for your personal use and you put it in a place where nobody else will see it, well, it's your problem and nobody else's business.
  • If it's in a setting where you have full control of the surroundings and you are careful to compensate by keeping everything else very low poly, go for it!
  • If you're planning to sell or give it away, please don't! You can not expect others to know how to handle something like this safely.
  • If you're planning to put it in a place within sight of land and builds owned by others, please don't. Be considerate to your fellow SL'ers.
Edited by ChinRey
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23 hours ago, sumix21 said:

And the first question?

The first question is unclear since a mesh doesn't have prims.

If you mean upload a complete linkset with 256 or more meshes in one go, you can't. The maximum number of parts of any linkset in SL, regardless of whether those patrs are prims, sculpts, meshes or a combination of them, is 256. This is a hard limit with no way around it at all. Every part of a linkset needs a unique identifier, and address. This address is an eight bit integer which means there are only 256 of them.

If you mean a single mesh with a high land impact, there is no fixed limit but the more complex the mesh is, the harder it is for the viewer to process and at some point it just becomes too much for it to handle.

Edited by ChinRey
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56 minutes ago, sumix21 said:

My question was different :) I know the limit of 256 mesh prims in the linkset. I ask what happens if i upload such linkset anyways? Will it upload two linksets at once? Or Discard random meshes? Or refuse to upload at all?

I have never seen it documented anywhere. I also have never seen anybody wanting to do that. So, when you tried, let us know what happens, and we might be able to have an answer for it the next time. 🤓

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6 hours ago, sumix21 said:

My question was different :) I know the limit of 256 mesh prims in the linkset. I ask what happens if i upload such linkset anyways?

It will be imported as separate unlinked objects. If you can get it imported at all that is. I tried with 257 basic cubes and even that took ages to upload and another age to render when I tried to rez the bundle.

Edit: Interestingly although totally irrelevant, it turns out the uploader doesn't know how to round off the server weight when it gets this high. So I got:



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