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How fix neck.


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Hello. I have a problem with the neck of my avatar (it's like collars). I have Lelutek's head and Legacy Body. I use Evox skin and Bom skin. I have a free Blenser but it doesn't do anything. I can’t fix it Does anyone know where I can buy Blender and which is the best? Please help. Before i did use Blender to another body and did work and now with Legacy dont work. Thank you

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1 hour ago, PinkyEgirl said:

Hello. I have a problem with the neck of my avatar (it's like collars). I have Lelutek's head and Legacy Body. I use Evox skin and Bom skin. I have a free Blenser but it doesn't do anything. I can’t fix it Does anyone know where I can buy Blender and which is the best? Please help. Before i did use Blender to another body and did work and now with Legacy dont work. Thank you

Can you share a picture of the problem? What brand skins are you using? Izzie's has some decent blenders for EvoX which should have a demo, and Velour does too. I would try Izzie's first because they come in a lot of tones.

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if you cant fix the neck, try applier skin.

bom sit under applier,  from my observation  if there are  slightly no match betwen the mesh it will shown neck lines, while applier can hide this minor unmatch problem.  imo.

the best way to see this unmatch is make a bom tattoo full body and fill it with one color ,  ex gray., if you notice neck line it means the head mesh and neck from body not match.


Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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1 hour ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

bom sit under applier,  from my observation  if there are  slightly no match betwen the mesh it will shown neck lines, while applier can hide this minor unmatch problem.  imo.

BOM exists on the same surface as applier skins. They replace each other, because they cannot exist on the same surface at the same time.

Applier skins also work the same way as BOM skins. They're both just a texture. They cannot hide neck seams if it's caused by mismatching mesh.

Using a different skin will only fix a neck seam if the previous skin's textures were poorly matched (or you switch to a darker skin where the seam is just harder to see).

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17 hours ago, PinkyEgirl said:

Hello. I have a problem with the neck of my avatar (it's like collars). I have Lelutek's head and Legacy Body. I use Evox skin and Bom skin. I have a free Blenser but it doesn't do anything. I can’t fix it Does anyone know where I can buy Blender and which is the best? Please help. Before i did use Blender to another body and did work and now with Legacy dont work. Thank you

I have the exact same problem I am trying to fix, Lelutka Head and Legacy body. This video I found (two years old now) explains it very clearly and the first example is our lel + legacy combo, seems simple enough but in practice not so much. As I watched the rest of the video, they demonstrated how lighting and body fat will effect (affect?) neck. I will keep researching/experimenting. It may very well be my skin, I will try demos. An obvious, to some, thing they pointed out is wear the same body and head skin so they match better.

Edited to add: It seems like you know what you are talking about but for anyone who needs to see this, like I did, here's a great tutorial I think: (6 month old video)

Edit 2: at 00:46 they mention neck faders for two skins, one of which I wear, so that might be an option. I will try it. (one year old video). (I did not watch past 1:02).


Edited by Charolotte Caxton
Editing to add more info
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I never had a problem with head and body matching as long as the head skin and body skin are from the same store OR the head skin itself comes with a blender.  A lot of skins for Lelutka from different stores use tones that match with Velour body skins.   Trying to match the default skin on the Legacy body with random head skins will have you screaming for help.

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17 hours ago, Stephanie Misfit said:

Czy możesz udostępnić zdjęcie problemu? Jakich markowych skinów używasz? Izzie's ma kilka przyzwoitych blenderów dla EvoX, które powinny mieć demo, a Velor też. Najpierw spróbowałbym Izzie, ponieważ mają wiele odcieni.



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7 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

BOM istnieje na tej samej powierzchni co skórki aplikatora. Zastępują się nawzajem, ponieważ nie mogą istnieć jednocześnie na tej samej powierzchni.

Skórki aplikatora działają tak samo jak skórki BOM. Oba są tylko teksturą. Nie mogą ukryć szwów przy szyi, jeśli jest to spowodowane niedopasowaniem siateczki .

Użycie innej skóry naprawi szew na szyi tylko wtedy, gdy tekstury poprzedniej skóry były słabo dopasowane (lub przełączysz się na ciemniejszą skórę, w której szew jest po prostu trudniejszy do zauważenia).

maybe yes but i dont want do dark skin

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42 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

Nigdy nie miałem problemu z dopasowaniem głowy i ciała, o ile skóra głowy i skóra ciała pochodzą z tego samego sklepu LUB sama skóra głowy jest dostarczana z blenderem. Wiele skórek dla Lelutki z różnych sklepów ma tonację pasującą do welurowych skór ciała. Próba dopasowania domyślnej skórki korpusu Legacy do losowych skórek głowy sprawi, że będziesz wołać o pomoc.

yes, But skin body i have from Mila and Head skin from another shop

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8 hours ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

jeśli nie możesz naprawić szyi, wypróbuj aplikator skóry.

bom siedzi pod aplikatorem, z moich obserwacji, jeśli jest trochę niedopasowania między siateczką, będą widoczne linie szyi, podczas gdy aplikator może ukryć ten drobny problem niedopasowania. imo.

najlepszym sposobem na zobaczenie tego niedopasowania jest zrobienie tatuażu bom na całe ciało i wypełnienie go jednym kolorem, np. szarym. Jeśli zauważysz linię szyi, oznacza to, że oczka głowy i szyi od ciała nie pasują.


but i dont want tattoo

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1 minute ago, PinkyEgirl said:

yes, But skin body i have from Mila and Head skin from another shop

That's always an issue then.  The problem I've always seen with any neck blender that's used to try and match a head skin from one creator and a body skin from another is the details.  The throat area often doesn't line up and looks slightly off.   Some do go further down the neck to cover that area but it's hit or miss.   Does the head skin have recommendations for body skins that match?  Are you using the Legacy body skin from Mila?

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6 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

That's always an issue then.  The problem I've always seen with any neck blender that's used to try and match a head skin from one creator and a body skin from another is the details.  The throat area often doesn't line up and looks slightly off.   Some do go further down the neck to cover that area but it's hit or miss.   Does the head skin have recommendations for body skins that match?  Are you using the Legacy body skin from Mila?

Honestly idk with skin head, but Yes i use skin From Mila to Legacy

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22 minutes ago, PinkyEgirl said:

Honestly idk with skin head, but Yes i use skin From Mila to Legacy

Where is the head skin from?  Sometimes, they will include a notecard letting you know what body skins are compatible.with their head skins.  I know Tres Beau includes one and a few others as well.

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11 minutes ago, PinkyEgirl said:

skin head Tres Beau. 

I use Tres beau head skins and Mila body skins.. Tres Beau  does have nice neck blends that come with their heads..I'm wondering is the Mila skin a Tattoo version of a bom skin or a system Bom skin?

In other words, was the icon of the skin a Red  Dragon looking icon or was it an icon of a little person? If it is a Red Dragon icon skin, then your neck blend could be sitting under the body skin, which will cause a neck seam line..

It would just need to  be moved to sit above the body skin.. you can do that by taking off the neck blend and then putting it back on and it should sit above the body skin..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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6 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Używam skórek głowy Tres beau i skórek ciała Mila. Tres Beau ma ładne mieszanki na szyję, które pasują do ich głów. Zastanawiam się, czy skóra Mila jest wersją tatuażu skóry bom, czy skórką systemową Bom?

Innymi słowy, czy ikona skóry była ikoną wyglądającą jak Czerwony Smok, czy też była to ikona małej osoby? Jeśli jest to skórka ikony Czerwonego Smoka, to połączenie szyi może znajdować się pod skórą ciała, co spowoduje linię szwu na szyi.

Wystarczyłoby go przesunąć, aby znalazł się nad skórą ciała.. można to zrobić, zdejmując blendę szyi, a następnie zakładając ją z powrotem i powinna ona znajdować się nad skórą ciała.

no. didnt be red

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On 2/15/2023 at 6:04 PM, Wulfie Reanimator said:

BOM exists on the same surface as applier skins. They replace each other, because they cannot exist on the same surface at the same time.


then why I can put tattoo applier while wear bom skin.

while I cannot use bom tatto while wear  skin applier  ?

currently I use bom skin on legacy, and with legacy applier  hud I put my tattoo texture on the bom skin to give more free space for attachment.

Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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2 hours ago, Kalegthepsionicist said:

then why I can put tattoo applier while wear bom skin.

while I cannot use bom tatto while wear  skin applier  ?

currently I use bom skin on legacy, and with legacy applier  hud I put my tattoo texture on the bom skin to give more free space for attachment.

If you're using BOM, and are able to use a scripted "tattoo applier", then your mesh body has two identical "onion shells" of mesh. The bottom surface has your skin/BOM texture, and the invisible top shell has the tattoo texture.

Meanwhile all BOM clothing layers are combined together into a single texture to be displayed on a single surface. The reason why you can't use a BOM tattoo while using a scripted "skin applier" is because the skin texture will either replace the BOM texture (or entirely cover it, if applied to the top shell). BOM tattoos cannot combine with scripted appliers because they just don't work like that.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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