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So it's my 10th Rezday.


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10 years in SL today. My dear lord what a trip it has been. I never thought i would be here for that long. I signed up just because i was curious and now look. I have a fairly reasonable income within SL, i made some true friends and made some pretty neat things.


But i don't want this to be about me. Tell me, how long are you here and how did SL change your life? I'm curious.



PS; My Rezday is on Valentines day, How neat, ha? ;)

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2 hours ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

10 years in SL today. My dear lord what a trip it has been. I never thought i would be here for that long. I signed up just because i was curious and now look. I have a fairly reasonable income within SL, i made some true friends and made some pretty neat things.


But i don't want this to be about me. Tell me, how long are you here and how did SL change your life? I'm curious.



PS; My Rezday is on Valentines day, How neat, ha? ;)

Happy Rez Day!  

I don't use my old alts from around 2006, I think would be the oldest and I do not remember her rez day.  My first avatar was a blonde with long straight hair and red eyes which actually looked good, I thought.  I loved those red eyes, maybe they were more like a rose red color which looked good on screen.  She made friends from the first day.   She had mostly a casual wardrobe.  I had a few ballgowns but they were expensive gowns back then I thought.  Maybe about 500 to 600 lindens for a nice ballgown with lots of flexiprim parts and flowers.  Probably a bazillion in complexity.  

I've had various jobs and then learned to build around 2010 or so.  It's difficult to remember.  

I've had a great journey and had some laughs and some tears as SL friends passed away, and I'm ready to go forward with y'all into the next chapter of PBR, if all is technically willing on my end.  I haven't been to the Aditi grid yet but I will soon but I may have to tweak some and I have to have minor surgery in real life very soon so that takes precedence.  

Edited by EliseAnne85
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Congratulations, youngster. :)  It can be a bit daunting to realise how much time has been spent in SL.  I've told my joining tale before so I'll just say briefly that I heard a news item about SL on BBC Radio in April 2005, and went to sign up that day, immediately becoming Premium.  It's been a great help when I had a long while being poorly, and, as it probably still says in my Forum Profile, "I've done a lot of things".

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5 hours ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

10 years in SL today. My dear lord what a trip it has been. I never thought i would be here for that long. I signed up just because i was curious and now look. I have a fairly reasonable income within SL, i made some true friends and made some pretty neat things.


But i don't want this to be about me. Tell me, how long are you here and how did SL change your life? I'm curious.



PS; My Rezday is on Valentines day, How neat, ha? ;)

Happy Rez Day.



Been in SL 18 years, about to be 19 in a couple of months.

Honestly, SL's impact on my life has not exactly been all that positive. It's somewhere to go when there is nowhere else. There's never anywhere else to go any more.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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