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gestures set as active are not staying active


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I have set certain gestures as active after creating them linked to keys and setting them as active. Than at a latter time, often in a different outfit, i try to activate that gesture and I find that it is no longer active. Any idea what is causing this to happen and how to fix it?

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It may be that you have to save them to those outfit folders.. Switching to another outfit folder might be using the ones already active when that folder was created.. Folders are pretty much like a save spot..

You can test it out by going to an outfit folder where the gestures you want are not working, then activate them.. then save the outfit with the same name, but putting something like a number at the end of the name, so it will go next to the folder in your outfit folder.. then you can delete the older folder..

once they are working in that outfit folder, you can switch to another,see if they have deactivated, then switch back to the newer folder to see if they work..

If they do come back on in the newer folder, then you could just do the same in the other outfit folders that you wanted those gestures in..


There may be an easier way to do it, but I'm not sure what that is.. maybe someone else does.. I don't really mess with gestures too much..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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@Ringstrue  While you can make gestures part of an outfit you have to explicitly add them. You do that by activating them from inventory and then saving the outfit. If you use the Gesture Panel to add active gestures those so added do not become part of an outfit. This can make for lots of confusion.

When you set gestures active via the panel it is more of a viewer setting than a world setting. If you change your gesture setup and your viewer crashes on exit then the changes may not save changes. Unfortunately viewers often crash silently on exit. You won't notice unless you are reviewing your viewer logs. :/ The work around is to login, make changes, and log off to force the save BEFORE the viewer reached a point where it will crash on exit.

You can make a folder that contains gestures and add them to the outfit or remove them via a right-click on the folder in inventory. I use this technique for saving weapons setups that have lots of gestures to control the weapon. I got started doing that before there were Outfits in SL. OMG, I'm old...


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   Gestures aren't affected by changing outfits, unless you manually create links to gestures and paste those links into the specific outfit folder(s) (in which case switching to that outfit will activate them, and switching from that outfit will deactivate them).

   99.67% of the time there's no reason to link a gesture to an outfit, unless you want to change outfit to something specific to do a specific gesture that you feel must be key-bound but also not active unless you are using that specific outfit only. 

   I suggest you delete those links and manage your gestures separately from your outfits. If you want a specific set of gestures for specific tasks (such as sets of vehicle gestures or hosting/DJing gestures), you can put them in a folder and then just add/remove the contents of the entire folder when you're using them or are finished with them. 

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