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Weather Systems

Jabari Nightingale

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There is nothing in the covenant saying you can't; but the point I was making is that there are many many things not in the covenant, but they could be. So the question residents want to ask themselves isn't can they do a particular thing, but should they do a particular thing. If it becomes a practice that enough people find objectionable it could become something we have to address in the covenant. If you do use one, I would make sure it was as considerate to your neighbors as possible. Perhaps even something you turn on when you are home, but doesn't run when you are offline or away.

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I have a nice rain system, I use it when I'm in a mood for a rainy day. In mainland since there isn't anyone around (my place is pretty much empty or with skyboxes). In Bellisseria I don't use it, my neighbours don't need to be around rain and I wouldn't like to be around too.

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I also think weather systems are pretty cool  ... on big parcels, or ones with public land all around them.  On LH regions, with 1024s packed together, I think they're WAY too intrusive.  So if you decide to try one, it would help if you followed Abnor's recommendation to only use it when you are on the parcel.

Be aware that if you have a weather system that uses temp-rez (commonly done, and easily checked for using the minimap), that is against the covenant.  And if it is in a region I'm in, you can rely on me to AR it.  Temp-rez kills region performance.  Also, if it is using particles, ensure that you can keep them within your parcel - particles can drift into public areas and even onto other people's parcels, if they are too long-lived.  Also, please limit sounds to your own parcel.

I see why LL hasn't banned them in the covenant - gentle occasional rains, a Halloween storm, maybe very light snow, a stormy photoshoot - a lot of folks do those, and they're fine.  But a persistent thunderstorm next door - ye Gods, save me.

The moles put a very fun storm in Dannelles, going to Fantasseria.  If PP had been around when the Vic in Barmwich was released that has a wonderful view of Danielles, with a little viewpoint to watch people crossing, I would have tried to claim it!

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9 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

There is nothing in the covenant saying you can't; but the point I was making is that there are many many things not in the covenant, but they could be. So the question residents want to ask themselves isn't can they do a particular thing, but should they do a particular thing. If it becomes a practice that enough people find objectionable it could become something we have to address in the covenant. If you do use one, I would make sure it was as considerate to your neighbors as possible. Perhaps even something you turn on when you are home, but doesn't run when you are offline or away.

This is an excellent and well explained answer. All of the points you make are reasonable and valid. Thank you.

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6 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

Also, if it is using particles, ensure that you can keep them within your parcel - particles can drift into public areas and even onto other people's parcels, if they are too long-lived. 

Oh yes, a very good point. I have experienced leaves from a neighbour's tree, falling in to my house. I absolutely will not be using a weather system.

Thanks to all for making valid comments.

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"Everybody talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it." - Mark Twain

I built a rain/snow system 15 years ago that rains/snows only where I want it, and only when I'm present to see it. I also built a miniature thunderstorm that only I could hear, by placing the sound in a HUD. I don't have that anymore, but it was quite lovely. Surely such things exist in marketplace.

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I would suggest NXT weather system.  Thunder, lightening, rain shower, downpour, light snow and blizzard.  Sound effects are amazing.  I used it on my full region and loved it.  It even has muddy puddles for the ground.  The system is very realistic.  I downsized from a full region to a homestead and if I have enough land impact left over, I will install it around the house so I can sit in my swing, on my porch, watch and listen while I sip tea.  I would not use this system in Bellisseria though.

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