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Inventory giver folder with touch range limit


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I am new to LSL scripting. 

I am looking for a script that can deliver all object inside the content tab as in a folder. 

But to be able to get the content you need to be:

1. With-in a a specified distance from object.
2. Be a member of a group

Anyone that can help me? 

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Sounds like a decent first project if you want to figure it out yourself.


the main pieces:

31 minutes ago, MadsCook said:

deliver all object inside the content tab as in a folder. 

list inventory;
integer nItems = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL);
integer i;
{ inventory+= llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL,i);
llGiveInventoryList(llDetectedKey(0),"Folder name",inventory);
31 minutes ago, MadsCook said:

With-in a a specified distance from object.

if( llVecDist( llDetectedPos(0),llGetPos() )  <  someDistance)
{ // then...
31 minutes ago, MadsCook said:

Be a member of a group

Assuming the object is set to the group to check:

{  // then...

group checking is a bit awkward because you can only check against the ~active group.

Edited by Quistess Alpha
minor things.
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