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How to measure memory used by ll functions?


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Hi! I tried to measure how much memory the commands like llOwnerSay or llLinksetDataWrite actually use by using llGetUsedMemory function.
However, the memory seems to only change in 512 B chunks so it either reports that memory usage doesn't change or it changes immediately by 512.

So I would like to ask, how to measure the memory used exactly? And if it's impossible, does anybody know how much memory each ll function call uses?
Or maybe there are there any sites/sources that talk about it?

I found this https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Script_Memory - but they explain only custom functions, not ll ones - and the author says
the values aren't exact. Besides this article is old so something could change since that time.

Thank you in advance for help! <3

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Generally speaking, calling a built-in function does not cost any memory. Any memory-overhead would be server-side and won't count against the script's usage.

Of course, the return value has usage implications, as do the input parameters if you do things in-line like [creating, a, list].

All scripts run in a sort of "virtual environment," so the exact memory usage may not be available or matter. Mono scripts can even temporarily exceed the 64KB memory limit, for example.

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