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What happened to krankhaus?


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I wasn't quite sure if I should ask this here or in the Merchant forum. I've been away for a little bit due to rl stuff and now that I'm back I was looking to purchase some of the clothes I'd been looking at before I left. I wear either Kemono or Kuroo depending on the day so my go-to stop for clothes has always been krankhaus because they've always had clothes that were excellent for their price. I stopped by their marketplace shop to make my purchases only to find that all of their prices had been massively raised. The Long Hoodie for Kemono used to be 50L. The Tokeli Cargoes used to be 100L. The Airman Jacket that I bought for 200L before I left, along with every non-demo item in the shop, is suddenly now 500L. And apparently krankhaus retired from sl? I checked the wayback machine to try to figure out when this all changed and everything was still it's usual price even just last year. What happened?

Edited by AngstyJellyfish
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3 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

They moved on to better markets.

Prev. thread: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/493250-krankhaus-left-sl/

Thank you. And especially thank you for the map link at the end of that thread. Krankhaus' clothes were excellent for their original price and they had alot that I liked, but they're really not worth it for 500L. I can't justify paying that much when there are too many options on marketplace of better quality for lower prices. My sense of frugality outweighs my nostalgia. It is a little inconvenient to have to go to an actual store, but a little inconvenience is better than overpaying for outdated goods that aren't being supported anymore...

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