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Scriptor needed!!!

Goldi Addams

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Pretty much you Can't.    Is a 2 part thing that you won't have any control over.

Is a tl;dr reply, but is because It would not be 'that hard'  to have a REAL FIX.  

What you Really asking for is:

1) The relevant 3-d object faces to 'Grab' from left arm and left leg channel  --> controlled by the Mesh Body Creator, thus locked down permissions

2) System Layer having the needed textures to make the skin appear on those object faces  -->  controlled by Skin Maker, so no direct access to the actual texture


Now in a Hypothetical Setting  this would totally work.    Example case is some add-on design (a tattoo picture)  on the Left upper arm only.

* Mesh body     -> On left side of upper body object, and left side of lower body object,  Set it (fixed or toggle) to grab  left side channels

* System Layer -> 'skin creator' duplicates the upper body skin texture (the one that is put in the upper body channel) into upper body left channel.  Repeated for Lower Body. 

--> Then can just add additional System layer on top of that.    One containing the add-on design     


---> The Current Setup of SL itself is really the main limiting factor  <--.

Think of System Skin Layer as Base layer.  Then think of the System Clothing (including Universal, Tattoo, and Alpha) as Add-on Modifier Layers.  But due to the availability (or lack) of channels in all System Layer types, and the forced immutable ordering of the System Clothing Layer subtypes.  It Gets muddled, messy, and awkward to use, and a Pain to try to explain it .

People don't have slots in the skin layer to add duplicates into left side channels.  For a skin maker It's a pain to do more work / separate universal layers that hold those texture. But if they did that... Since you are then limited to the universal layer subtype, It is then awkward for end user to have to reshuffle and resave the layer order on every saved outfit.   Is like how if you replace links your mesh head skin on a tattoo layer with a new one.   Now your tattoo layer makeup, scars, skin ink, etc is underneath.  

So since all that is muddled and messy,   Mesh body makers just have the entire upper body set to Grab the Upper Body Bake channel.    Of course part setup is to 'ensure backward compatibility with older skins that won't have a left side textures (duplicates of the right / main). It is not like mesh bodies all have 'their own body skins'  to correct for minor UV alignment issues, so is newer skins anyway.  But on a mesh body,  setting object face to grab a different bake channel is really is just a toggle switch. 

Edited by KathrynLisbeth
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Haven't played with the Legacy body,  so i don't know the details.

If the Arm Mesh objects grabs the left channel bake,  then that requires that there be a Universal layer providing the skin texture, too.    So first a Skin texture containing layer is worn  Then Universals containing Scars or Tattoo texture would be worn next (and so on).

The one I am most familiar with is Maitreya,  that body and others actually have a mesh object 'onion shell'.   Is either an optional add-on object or part of the body's linkset.  The terminology used can get jumbled.  Though the Mechanism behind those the same. It is using a Scripted applier to place a texture in an additional 3-d object 'layer' that is over the layer that grabs the 'baked skin'.    If Given a Template UV map for the mesh, make texture.   Then Do 'stuff' to program a scripted applier (an object) to pass that Texture UUID to the mesh.   Like how an Omega or a Body or Head specific applier works 

Is Funny, b/c part of the reason for Bakes-on-Mesh was to reduce the dependency for onion skin 'shells'.  But looks like they forgot that bilateral asymmetry is a VERY valid use case.   A Ink design on just one arm.   As well as not needing 'alpha cuts'  to wear a robot arm or a pirate peg leg only on one side.   


Edited by KathrynLisbeth
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2 hours ago, KathrynLisbeth said:

Haven't played with the Legacy body,  so i don't know the details.

If the Arm Mesh objects grabs the left channel bake,  then that requires that there be a Universal layer providing the skin texture, too.    So first a Skin texture containing layer is worn  Then Universals containing Scars or Tattoo texture would be worn next (and so on).

The one I am most familiar with is Maitreya,  that body and others actually have a mesh object 'onion shell'.   Is either an optional add-on object or part of the body's linkset.  The terminology used can get jumbled.  Though the Mechanism behind those the same. It is using a Scripted applier to place a texture in an additional 3-d object 'layer' that is over the layer that grabs the 'baked skin'.    If Given a Template UV map for the mesh, make texture.   Then Do 'stuff' to program a scripted applier (an object) to pass that Texture UUID to the mesh.   Like how an Omega or a Body or Head specific applier works 

Is Funny, b/c part of the reason for Bakes-on-Mesh was to reduce the dependency for onion skin 'shells'.  But looks like they forgot that bilateral asymmetry is a VERY valid use case.   A Ink design on just one arm.   As well as not needing 'alpha cuts'  to wear a robot arm or a pirate peg leg only on one side.   


An onion shell isn't required if the body is scripted correctly or has modify permissions, though. 😋

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