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Would You Redecorate or Build for 2023 in SL with RL Trends?


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Reading about real life home decor trends for 2023, would you redecorate or build for your SL home with any of these trends?

Some of the trends are curtains to the floor that softly puddle on the floor, no more short curtains.  Going out is the gray scale and being replaced with warm or natural tones instead.  Lots of curves, especially curvy furniture coming in.  Some things going out - too much clutter out and de-maximalization in but not minimalistic either.  Current in - Stand alone cupboards and mixing woods with light, medium and dark woods throughout your home instead of using all light woods for example.  Coming in - no upper cabinets for the kitchen, but wall racks instead.  Lots of checkers and marble are trends coming in.  Odd or different wood cabinetry seems to be coming in as well.  

So, would you update your SL home or build items for your SL home with any of these new trends, and/or eliminate any of the ones going out in 2023 if it's in your SL home now?  

Yes, I know trends come and go but I wanted your opinion on the new trends as I really like some of these.  (Note: Link says 2021 but if you look at the pictures, it is trends for 2023 as it will say so above the photos and then given an explanation).  I put some pics below.  


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Edited by EliseAnne85
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The trend for greyscale has depressed me except where I saw (in real life) a back wall in a kitchen had been painted a rather jaunty aquamarine colour. 

I don't tend to follow trends, but am liking the new ones much more and if I was currently decorating in Second Life I definitely would be choosing a few key pieces from modern trends, but not flooding my entire house and making it look like - as Phoebe did in Friends that time - Pottery Barn! 

I think it is quite funny reading the article about English cabinetry being more free-standing. Except for people living in quaint country cottages, all the English people I know have fully fitted kitchens with integrated appliances (and it can be quite frustrating trying to locate the refrigerator when it's hidden behind one of the identical cabinet doors. 

The first photo above has a kind of 1930s vibe, lovely rounded chairs, which I do favour over angular sharp-edged ones in any life.

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16 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

I think it is quite funny reading the article about English cabinetry being more free-standing. Except for people living in quaint country cottages, all the English people I know have fully fitted kitchens with integrated appliances (and it can be quite frustrating trying to locate the refrigerator when it's hidden behind one of the identical cabinet doors. 

I'm not English so I was wondering about that.  Perhaps the writer meant that's where they got the idea, England but countryside.  In America, we call those kind of stand alone cabinets countryside cabinets (they have feet).  I love those!  

I also get the gray being kind of depressing.  That was noted in several articles I read about why the trend is starting to go away from the grayscale - it's depressing.  

I love the rounded 1930's stuff too!  Looks kind of art deco, yet modern.  

That white stand alone large cabinet in the middle of the kitchen, I want one now!

Edited by EliseAnne85
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Trends are possibly the last factor in how I decorate my SL house.   I do not like the lack of upper cabinets that is popular now.  I don't want to show off my collection of mismatched dishes, pots, and pans. 

My factors for SL decorating:

1) Do I like it?

2) Will it fit in my land impact allotment?

3) Can I afford it?

I have a LH Victorian house, so #4 is usually: Will it fit in a Victorian style home? I'm ok with a few idiosyncratic pieces, but I like to mostly stick to theme.




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No, not at all. I don't follow trends for anything real life or Second Life as I think that'd be...well, way too much money to keep up with. Especially on the fashion and home front. That, and I make it a point to surround myself with things I personally like (which tend to be so far off trend, I can't even tell youuuuuuu).

With SL home decor, I generally just pick a fun style and run with it. Modern, glam, cyberpunk, vaporwave, retro 80s, futuristic/sci-fi, goth, witchy/occult, pop art, etc. and shop based on whatever I've chosen. I sometimes change my mind enough to where I'll go from a cozy rustic cabin to a fully vaporwave "glamcave" as the mood hits.

Going by the photos you posted and your link, none of that would appeal to me. Needs color. Needs pop! Needs pizzazz!

Also, no upper cabinets???? Where am I going to put all my cute kitchen clutter?!?! 😂

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19 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Needs color. Needs pop! Needs pizzazz!

Yeah I agree, it does need a bit more color, a bit more pop and pizzazz.

Per article I linked, it said the biggest trend is going away from grayscale and going to more neutral colors, and then it showed the difference between tan and beige in the article!  lol  

I'd add a bit of color but to what?  Maybe add some cranberry to the neutral colors?

I also love mixing wood tones anyways, so that's a good one for me.   

I love the rounded furniture and that standalone white cabinet with the marble top in the middle of the kitchen.  I might make that!    

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Also, per the article, it says home trends last about 10 years.  And now it's all about brown and beige.  Sounds a little blah but I bet in SL we can spice it up somehow!   However, white can be difficult to work with in SL if that's the main backdrop color until 2033!

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I chuckled when I read about no upper cabinets in kitchens. I think I have seen it over and over again in many years. Not just ten years ago. In RL I can not do that, I need every cabinet, and shelves do not give me enough space.

But in SL? Sure, and I already have 2 kitchens without upper cabinets. One from HIVE and one from Nutmeg.

Curtains, in Linden Homes every Li counts, and long curtains that pool over the floor can often be 6+ Land impact, instead of the nice one Li What Next curtains I use now. I have Tarte curtains that pool on the floor nicely, I can not see that as "new".

It is a nice style, naturals, woods, soft tones and curves. I like it, but I can not see it as new or trendy. For one who look at IKEA every year, it isn't much new in that article. I use that style just now, l may use black cabinets and stainless steel next time.

For I will certainly redecorate in 2023. The question is; How many times?



victorian garden_017edsmall.png

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Nah. I am honest ... 

I'm an 80s baby and I damn love and miss it I was born in the shōwa era in Japan so my parcels are mostly decorations from shōwa era and early heisei era XD so it's mostly a mix of mid 80s and early 90s love. But I love it that way so hard ... In RL it's of course more modern but my hubby and me love finding stuff we had as kids and use them nower days too. But in SL it can always be my happy summer memories in grandma's farm house, filled with shaved ice, cicadas and tiny toy fireworks :D

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2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I chuckled when I read about no upper cabinets in kitchens. I think I have seen it over and over again in many years. Not just ten years ago. In RL I can not do that, I need every cabinet, and shelves do not give me enough space.

I've gutted my RL kitchen so it becomes mostly empty space with just a couple cabinets, 1920's gas stove, Hoosier-style cabinet, etc. 

So some of the pictures ring true to my RL.

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I don't have a home in sl, but I wouldn't follow trends any better in sl than I do in rl. I don't really like most trends, I think they're pretty stupid. I decorate my real home with comfy and lived in style, it's a home, not a museum. I live here, and you can tell I live here. My curtains don't all match in every room. I don't have a color scheme. My furniture doesn't match, each other or anything else. My washer and dryer aren't even matching. I like houseplants, but sometimes even they look out of place.

I buy what I think is comfy, and useful. I don't have a whole lot of decor in the same sense a lot of homes have, because it doesn't all have much of a point. The decor I do have usually serves a purpose, even if sentimental purpose. I would do the same with a sl house as I do my rl house. 

Edited by Caeruleiae
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3 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I chuckled when I read about no upper cabinets in kitchens. I think I have seen it over and over again in many years. Not just ten years ago. In RL I can not do that, I need every cabinet, and shelves do not give me enough space.

But in SL? Sure, and I already have 2 kitchens without upper cabinets. One from HIVE and one from Nutmeg.

Curtains, in Linden Homes every Li counts, and long curtains that pool over the floor can often be 6+ Land impact, instead of the nice one Li What Next curtains I use now. I have Tarte curtains that pool on the floor nicely, I can not see that as "new".

It is a nice style, naturals, woods, soft tones and curves. I like it, but I can not see it as new or trendy. For one who look at IKEA every year, it isn't much new in that article. I use that style just now, l may use black cabinets and stainless steel next time.

For I will certainly redecorate in 2023. The question is; How many times?



victorian garden_017edsmall.png

I agree with you Marianne, nothing really is "new" in what's trending in the pictures I showed; it's just retro.   The all naturals home decor style has already been around, I think in the 90's.  

What articles are saying is basically the trend is away from the grayscale and going to warmer such as tan, beige, natural colors, not that it hasn't been done before, it has.   But, both grayscale and naturals can be a bit blah unless one really knows what they are doing.   Why the world so blah, I'm wondering?  I was hoping for a bit more.

The fashion for 2023 trends left me flat too, it's just retro inspired.  The prairie antique lace dress is trending in fashion.  

I think the world needs a change in decor and fashion as lots of what's trending in both those seem stale to me.  

@CaeruleiaeThe thing is with rl trends and rl, it tends to be what the rl store carries and that's how the trends get set.  So, it's not whether it's good or bad, it just begins to be what the store carried in rl and we don't have much choice.  With SL, we have a choice, which is cool.  But, I still feel fashion and decor needs to change into something great.  I feel the world needs a change and all we get is retro and rehash, and even kind of blah from today's rl designers.

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I used to be able to decorate my places, but over time, I had less and less time  to be in SL, so I didn't have the time to do all the things I used to.. over time I just got used to spending time in one room..  I'll have a room in the sky and something on the ground..

I'll put some things in there, but really most of my SL is either, working on my avatar or going somewhere or getting ready to go somewhere..

In RL, I'd go crazy in those kitchens.. hehehe   I do love the idea of being able to move the base cabinets though.. I wish I had thought of that when mine was being built..

I do have a mobile island, which i love.. It moves where I need it and when finished it goes back into it's place under it's upper cabinets..

The thing that would drive me crazy is those cabinets that come all the way down.. For me that would just drive me batty, because I can never have enough counter space when I get  to working in my kitchen..  I have to have work space , storage and flow..

If for some reason we ever do redo our kitchen. I am definitely having all my lowers movable.. I don't know how I did not think of that, as much though as I put into my kitchen..

They are beautiful looking kitchens, but I spend so much time in mine that I made sure mine was built around me.. They also seem so bright.. I'm used to the log home feel..I would spend half the time wiping things off in something with so much bright colors in the room..  hehehehe


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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8 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

The thing is with rl trends and rl, it tends to be what the rl store carries and that's how the trends get set.  So, it's not whether it's good or bad, it just begins to be what the store carried in rl and we don't have much choice. 

These days, there's plenty of choice. Almost too much choice. Depending on what you're trying to obtain and buy, of course. Appliances - maybe not. Cabinetry - maybe if you know a good contractor.

Furniture and decor, though? I bet if I wanted to turn a room into a complete Hollywood glam boudoir, I could make it happen without much effort.

Shop online. We've got access to stores all over the world. Marketplaces like Ebay are a goldmine. Connect with sellers and crafters on Etsy. Trade with others on Craigslist and Facebook. Making your own stuff is also pretty simple if you're a crafty type - pillows, wall art, cushions, quilts and bedspreads, sheets, curtains, ceramics - go nuts! If you're not as crafty, use Zazzle and Redbubble and Cafepress. And of course, there are yard sales, garage sales, craft fairs, antique stores, thrift shops, and estate sales for people who enjoy shopping in person. 

SL is far easier and cheaper to do that in, of course, which is why my homes are often so ridiculous (my refrigerator takes up an entire wall and is made of glass with a dozen or so illuminated shelves so I have endless space to display food - thank you Onsu!). If I had more cash, omg, yeah, my RL would look equally ridiculous. 😄

But in both worlds, it's much more fun to follow your own style and create your own trends. The days of needing department and furniture stores to do something interesting are long over.

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11 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

These days, there's plenty of choice. Almost too much choice. Depending on what you're trying to obtain and buy, of course. Appliances - maybe not. Cabinetry - maybe if you know a good contractor.

Furniture and decor, though? I bet if I wanted to turn a room into a complete Hollywood glam boudoir, I could make it happen without much effort.

Shop online. We've got access to stores all over the world. Marketplaces like Ebay are a goldmine. Connect with sellers and crafters on Etsy. Trade with others on Craigslist and Facebook.

Yes, I almost said trends get set because that is what real life stores are selling *unless* you want to go second-hand.  But, I kind of took that as a given.  There is always second-hand and eclectic as well.  But, the designers are saying that is going out - maximalism is on it's way out.  This usually means for the new and probably young home buyers.   But, I think the young home buyers are choosing blah still.  So, this would be millennial style, I'd guess.  

Also, what I'm saying is with decor and fashion, I wanted to see something new, something exciting, something we never had before.  

I think actually home and fashion styles have been anything goes for decades now because of Ebay and vintage stores and while that is fun, it still isn't anything "new".  I am soooooooooooo craving something new.  I have the second-hand, eclectic style in real life.  In SL, I've had too many styles to list.

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44 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

So, it's not whether it's good or bad, it just begins to be what the store carried in rl and we don't have much choice. 

But we do have a choice. We don't have to buy, use, act, dress or anything like trends suggest. Trends only become trends because people want them to be. I don't follow them, or like most of them. I dress how I want, decorate how I want, act how I want. It just is what it is. But I also don't redecorate or anything like that all the time. I remove or replace things if they break, but any replacement I get is very likely to not follow any trends either.

46 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

But, I still feel fashion and decor needs to change into something great.  I feel the world needs a change and all we get is retro and rehash, and even kind of blah from today's rl designers.

That's the thing, we don't have to. If you don't like whatever current trend is, why give in and buy or do whatever it is. We always have choices, just have to be bold enough to not make the same ones everyone else makes. 

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With decorating and kitchens and things around the home, you either need to be ready to spend a lot of money, or know someone that is good and will give a good price..

Or have a whole family of tradesmen, that all you have to do is call your father and drop a seed in his ear, about needing something done around the house..  hehehehe

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22 minutes ago, Caeruleiae said:

But we do have a choice. We don't have to buy, use, act, dress or anything like trends suggest. Trends only become trends because people want them to be. I don't follow them, or like most of them. I dress how I want, decorate how I want, act how I want. It just is what it is. But I also don't redecorate or anything like that all the time. I remove or replace things if they break, but any replacement I get is very likely to not follow any trends either.

Not always, because with clothes the real life stores only have so much space.  So, if one wants to buy new clothes, the stores will be carrying mostly what has been trending in 2023.  Trending usually means selling.  

But, I don't really see anything new as in original trending, it's all retro inspired.  Like I said, I am so craving something new, something that's never been done before.  I just don't see it anywhere.  

With online shopping, we can buy vintage clothes or decor and have whatever we want but show me an online store with new clothes and show me how many styles they have besides athlesiure.  Where I live, people mostly wear athlesiure in the colder months.  Sundresses, shorts, tanks, short skirts for warmer months.  But, if it's ruffles or lace or off-shoulder trending, most new clothes will have those trends.  And, I'm so sick of ruffles, lace, and off-shoulder.  We've had that for years.  Oh, and see thru clothing is trending again.  We've had see-thru clothing on SL for years too.  I was like NOT AGAIN!

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5 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

Yes, I almost said trends get set because that is what real life stores are selling *unless* you want to go second-hand.  But, I kind of took that as a given.  There is always second-hand and eclectic as well. 

Not just second-hand. I brought up crafting for that reason - many on Etsy are creating things from scratch. Not all, of course, but plenty. And you could do that yourself too, of course, depending on interests and skills. This is super easy with decor (if you have any interest whatsoever in things like crochet, knitting, Cricut, and sewing), but much harder to do with furniture (unless you're deep into DIY, renovations, restoration, and upholstery - which some people are).


10 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

Also, what I'm saying is with decor and fashion, I wanted to see something new, something exciting, something we never had before.  

I think actually home and fashion styles have been anything goes for decades now because of Ebay and vintage stores and while that is fun, it still isn't anything "new".  I am soooooooooooo craving something new.  I have the second-hand, eclectic style in real life.  In SL, I've had too many styles to list.

New in fashion is absolutely a thing. Problem is, a lot of that is mostly seen on the runway, not always ready-to-wear, and prohibitively expensive. You'll be wanting to look at both designers and models. I follow a bunch on social media. The "new" is definitely there. Peep Rick Owens, Gareth Pugh, Paco Rabanne, Issey Miyake, models like Wisdom Kaye, etc. And of course, with a sewing machine, you can make anything happen yourself. I had a friend who used to make her own clubwear. Ugh, gorgeous stuff.

Home decor is a whole other thing. I don't keep up with decor or furniture designers whatsoever, but I know for a fact fresh and new styles exist. Peek at some fun DIY projects on Pinterest, for example. Browse stores on Etsy. People are out there creating new all the time. When you think about it, a ton of what we see in SL is inspired by RL products. There are plenty of furniture and decor creators on the grid who are coming up with some pretty unique takes on the home decorating front, so I'm sure they've been inspired by something real somewhere.


12 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

With decorating and kitchens and things around the home, you either need to be ready to spend a lot of money, or know someone that is good and will give a good price..

Or have a whole family of tradesmen, that all you have to do is call your father and drop a seed in his ear, about needing something done around the house..  hehehehe

Totally agree on kitchens! So many things that require a professional touch in there (same with bathrooms, let's be honest!), but furniture and decor are pretty easy to play with, so there's that at least.

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In SL I'd be more likely to switch to a different historical period than to update to a trendy new look. To be honest, though, even that's pretty unlikely. My "home" interior is just a grab-bag of pieces I found appealing, arranged comfortably, and some of my other builds are strictly midcentury modern, future-tech, postwar Bay City, etc.

That said, I suspect RL trends subconsciously affect how I see interiors and clothing fashion, even architecture, on different timeframes. Maybe that subtly influences my response to SL content (and product photos), but that's drifting pretty far towards abstract semiology.

Nothing to do with the topic, but in 2023 what I expect to spend the most time (and L$) on is updating to stuff that makes the most of PBR materials. That also means culling a bunch of stuff with baked lighting and reflections—it's just going to look more and more lame.

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3 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

a ton of what we see in SL is inspired by RL products

Yes it is.  

As far as new, never been done before, I'll check out your suggestions.  There's gotta be something.  I've been feeling like we need a change for so long into something that's never been done before.  

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6 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Totally agree on kitchens! So many things that require a professional touch in there (same with bathrooms, let's be honest!), but furniture and decor are pretty easy to play with, so there's that at least.

Ya, furniture is pretty much the easy part..Although they'll make some of that also if you know how to get them do where they think it's something to prove..

I'll sit there at a big family dinner and say something like, bet you guys couldn't make me a couch that I'd keep in my living room.. Before you know it they are asking  what kind and  then you're standing in the spot you want it and they're looking at the spot like there was a game on or something.. then you see  them starting to nod.. the next thing you know, they are talking among themselves coming up with how they can do it..

Next thing you know, I have a couch in my living room.. hehehehe

It's a process.. hehehe



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2 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

Yes it is.  

As far as new, never been done before, I'll check out your suggestions.  There's gotta be something.  I've been feeling like we need a change for so long into something that's never been done before.  

Innovation is out there! Again, though, you won't get the overall masses wearing the stuff. For one - that defeats the purpose entirely. And for two - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

You can also dig around Instagram and Pinterest and TikTok for influencers in the fashion design and styling space (not professional designers - just hobbyists). A lot of their work is insanely creative. I'm sure people like that exist in the home decorating and interior design realm, as well. 

People like that also exist in SL. If you're looking for off-the-wall fashion and decor for your second life, that's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier to get!


4 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Ya, furniture is pretty much the easy part..Although they'll make some of that also if you know how to get them do where they think it's something to prove..

I'll sit there at a big family dinner and say something like, bet you guys couldn't make me a couch that I'd keep in my living room.. Before you know it they are asking  what kind and  then you're standing in the spot you want it and they're looking at the spot like there was a game on or something.. then you see  them starting to nod.. the next thing you know, they are talking among themselves coming up with how they can do it..

Next thing you know, I have a couch in my living room.. hehehehe

It's a process.. hehehe

Omg...so lucky. I need to befriend your family! 😂

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4 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Omg...so lucky. I need to befriend your family! 😂

My whole family lives on the same road.. We have a wood shop with all kinds of machines in there.. Then there is an auto shop  for working on cars and trucks and the bulldozers and  the other equipment. It has two of those  lifts that bring your truck in the air.. Then there is the process  building for meats.. there is a few other shops and storage buildings and tool buildings for other things.. My fathers specialty is building log homes.. they can put one right on the side of a mountain.. why someone wants to live on that kind of an incline always surprises me..

But there is not too much they can't make or do though when it comes to things around the house.. My whole kitchen was built from scratch.  Even the granite counters and Granite in the bathrooms..  We had those slabs shipped from some place in Chicago.. They had to polish and cut them and everything right here on the spot..

They have all that stuff to do it though.. You need a whole family pitching in together, to pull off what it would cost to get all those things together over time..Nobody taught them  how to do all those things either, but each other.. The thing is, they are always looking to learn something new.. So there could be any kind of shop going up any time down the road.. hehehe


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