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Radio UniK 
in collaboration with 
"The Dreamer's Cave"



♪ UniK Montly Music Event: the great music in Second Life!! ♪

███ ▌▌Thursday, February 9th ▌▌███ 

♫  1:00 PMSLT ► Putri Solo Live Singer ♫ 
♫  2:00  PMSLT ► DJ Hope                    ♫ 



Go shopping and don't miss the opportunity to celebrate UniK's 4th Anniversary!!!
Shopping Gallery: https://unikevent6.wixsite.com/unikeventsl/february-annversary-round

Our designers are waiting for you with lots of gifts!
What are you waiting for? Be unique...be Unik!!!

Group Gift & Giveaway: https://unikevent6.wixsite.com/unikeventsl/group-gift-giveaway

Happy shopping!
UniK Team


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