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..The Morningstars.. Club *NOW HIRING*

Vex Morningstar

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About Us:
We are a Gothic/Adult themed club with friendly staff. We have a large floor space, with a large well lit dancefloor, an upstairs area with lounges, poles, and games for those overstimmed or just looking for somewhere to relax with good music, affiliated shops near the entrance and good art and plenty of space to bring friends or meet new ones ♥ Come check us out here

What are we hiring for:

A little about how we run things:
We use an open mic style setup. Hired DJ's can set their own schedules and pick up any available slots they want throughout the week. For dancers and hosts, you can view the schedule board at the back of the club, and from there, figure out when the best times to be in the club and ready to work :) All pay is tip based, and is based on self motivation. Dj's can sign up for an hour up to a max of 4 hours per day, and we are open 24/7. Hosts and DJ's have the right to post notices in the group to self advertise their sets within the club. 

If you want a job:

If you decide you are interested, please message Vex Morningstar with a notecard containing the following info:

SL Name:
SL Age: 
Which Roles are you interested in?
[   ]DJ
[   ]Host
[   ]Dancer
Tell me a little about yourself:

TMC Rules.png

Edited by Vex Morningstar
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