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Network lag - high packet loss - from UK

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Anyone else having this problem?  Last week or so getting horrendous network lag  .. packet loss upto 20 - 30% every time I use SL.irrespective of which SIM I'm in or what AV I log on as.  I've read and followed every recommendation I've seen about network lag.   .   SL things like changing bandwidth settings ..clearing all sorts of cashe etc etc  ,   power up / down router  ..using  both wifi and hard wired connections, different desktop systems, laptops,  different Windows versions, running with my firewall (norton)  totally disabled,   using Winmtr to ping tests to Portland . I get around 60mbps on every speed test and except for the lag in SL (and one other thing), I get excellent network performance.  The other thing ? ..  I get slow response, sometimes hangs whenever I log onto my SL account and search transaction history.  I ping tested that one       and guess what    30% packet loss !   Can't change my ISP yet (TalkTalk) and so far they can't figure what could be wrong.    HELP




screen pic  packet loss.png

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Not having any issues from Surrey to SL via BT Infinity.  Got to say that I used to get spells of packet-loss with my previous ISP (no names, no pack-drill).

Different ISPs use different paths to SL but it sounds like perhaps it is one step (possibly just one server) that is having issues.

Contact your ISP, with Talk Talk you will need to push them; (I speak from experience and that is why I no longer use them).

Edited by Aishagain
bitter experience
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I'm in Scotland & my ISP is also Talk-Talk.
I've been away from home for a few weeks & got home yesterday & my first SL login was this morning & I was getting 40-50% packet loss.
It was still the same an hour ago but I just logged in again to check after I saw your post & mine is back to 0% packet loss now.

Are you still having a problem with it?

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195ms ping is par for the course from the UK. I typically get anything between 185 and 205ms from south-east England and there is nothing that can be done about that. You still should not be getting any significant packet loss though; anything over about 0.5% will have dramatic effect when added to the long ping time. This all points to a dodgy connection somewhere along the line. 

Edited by Odaks
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Thanks for the input Penny.  That's 3 of us I know of with with the problem - must be more.      I'm trying to get Talktalk to find out what's wrong - looks like some kind of incompatibilty between our network setup and the AWS  service (in Oegon?)  that SL uses.  Some TalkTalk users are OK (without VPN)  so it's a mystery.    I've told TalkTalk that I shouldn't need to go the VPN route .. I'm still waiting for their alternative solution (assuming it's a TalkTalk problem).   .

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