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#THAPLUG is Hiring: Real Estate Agents - Starbuccs Associates - Dispensary Associates

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Welcome to 


An established, growing community full of opportunity to make money.

Let's go through the options we have available at this time!:



Commission based employment, perfect for the person who enjoys working on their own time with no required minimums.

You must be willing to market rental listings through: social media, blogs, or word-of-mouth; and have a basic understanding and knowledge of the community and demographic in order to answer prospective client questions about rentals and the surrounding neighborhood.

Besides our gated community style homes, every single home at #THAPLUG is different, so you'll never be showing the same home to the same client.

This position comes with a full tour of our entire community, giving you all the keys to success.

We pay the most commission out of all of our competition!

Link to the job application: https://rellnoriega.wixsite.com/thaplugsl/realestateagent


  • You must roleplay 18+ years in age or older.
  • Excellent communication, negotiation, and networking skills.
  • Be willing to use Social Media or other methods to promote the homes.
  • Be willing to utilize Discord.



Do you enjoy light roleplay?

Are you a hustler? Do you have a large list of friends (300+) or looking to do the networking to build your list?

Are you looking for a semi-structed work environment with a minimum amount of hours to be worked?

A dispensary employee is given all the tricks of the trade to make a significant amount of money working the front lines of our dispensary.

Engaging with your list, the public, & more gives you ample opportunity to network and learn more about the people you're around in addition to making tons of L's.

A Dispensary associate is paid in commission & hourly

Link to the job application: https://rellnoriega.wixsite.com/thaplugsl/salesassociate

  • You must roleplay 18+ years in age or older.
  • Excellent communication, negotiation, and networking skills.
  • Must be able to work 4 hours a week at minimum.
  • Be willing to utilize Discord



Like to be needed on a whim?

Up for an hour of chaotic roleplay taking orders for Starbuccs?

If you're up for a good time welcoming the patrons of #THAPLUG into a small setting, this position might just right for you!

A Starbuccs associate is paid in commission & hourly

Link to the job application: Please contact Drugz Bunny inworld to conduct short interview.


  • You must roleplay 18+ years in age or older.
  • Good communication & note taking skills
  • Must be able to work at least once a week at a pre-determined time with the opportunity of random times.
  • Be willing to utilize Discord




Edited by Galore Ninnymuggins
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