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Rooftops is looking for dancers!


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Want to work at SL's sexiest hangout spot? Look no further because Rooftops is NOW RECRUITING FOR DANCERS! 

Whatever your mood there's a downtown roof for you. Clubbing, chilling, socializing... Or let's just skip the pleasantries altogether and get down dirty and rough. Rooftops is an adult urban location where anything goes! 

- Sets and Events held regularly with busy traffic

- Recently started recruiting for dancers so now is the time to get in before slots start to be booked! 

- You ALWAYS keep 100% of the tips you earn!

- Work with the sexiest crew on the grid. Friendly and chill management with tons of flexibility. We don't want this to feel like a job but rather an opportunity to meet new people and have fun! 

If this all sounds great to you, come give us a visit! Click here for a ride. 

Please get in contact with myself (babylux04) in-world for an application! 

If you'd like, join our discord to meet the rest of our sexy Roofies. 

Or check us out on flickr and facebook

Edited by babylux04
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