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Premier Wrestling is hiring NEW TALENT!

wulla Zabelin

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Premier Wrestling is hiring new talent for our 
upcoming seasons and events!


Do you have what it takes to become wrestler, 
manager, referee or commentator?


Ayd79nvFN1pM4nZj06tbhUjVIzQ20uL6vcalLs91N24ZyDsCiJtrnYfIUS-rS0sQ6vDlSbTsLvSXlOLgaabiz1Xa1N0JhRG1rXlSnsPPe68nZtwiKDfIS1V6JNZP9w14lvrr-uIvp6wKPPBu8cCT_8w    pQMkzC0Wm621jiCHiOQj0ySzT9hoKkHBgwtpOzV7dJlboVcvPUmNwe8fDlFUZccgiDGwLUWftzVwMNbxoCOJ-tSNarCU7tODZ2dULuQfMIrFk8GN0sDiVYi3va7KdvMXJBsSIMb52vkFEXRjhPGRD0w    l0Wlxs8BeSTRvyJ91cE4G8hofMaGvfNmwLC5Q9nPXDd_u-uQbjqCb7DP53dB1eOkxJWjGKBNyDxqY6DR0ep8X2r1W8Db2oJqTOv75mC_Va6CxSQCS2_N031WkNAIXBQw55cj7YDgvlSwlrotbzuKmcU

Sign now: https://forms.gle/qLbt3pFGkUmU8VC69
shortly after you will receive an introduction course, 
to take before being passed on to the training department. 

There are try-out classes for wrestling at Premier Wrestling to see if it's for you. 
The Head trainer will help you get started.

Join our discord server: https://discord.gg/5QgmYbb  
We use discord for upcoming classes, coordinating and directing the shows.

Our main shows at starflare arena are at 
ATTITUDE SHOW MONDAYS 1:0PM PDT (SL TIME) pre-meeting at 12:00 on discord.
OVERLOAD SHOW THURSDAYS/ or a Friday 1:00PM PDT (SL TIME) pre-meeting at 12:00 on discord.

Premier Wrestling performs many shows across the grid, the unplugged house shows.
These shows across the week and weekend are optional, always with pre-meeting and show time at 1:00 or 2:00PM when possible.

Visit us inworld:

Check out what we do: 

For direct response please contact wulla Zabelin or Vince Aftermath

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