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rotation script takes control on every link object


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so i want to do a spinning chain and i got rotation script and it works perfect as its rotate on its Y, but the problem start when i attach the clasp ( the chain holder ) to the pendant casuing it to rotate too since every rotation script i ever bought ( i bought many ) always takes control on everything that attached to the mesh. and i dont want the clasp to spin i want it to stay in its place as the rest spinning, i did try putting the script inside every link set like link 1 link 2 they called the childs i believe, seperatly so everything will have the script and not the parent link but it doesnt work well it makes it rotate on its own and not together like i want. my question is can u do the whole thing to rotate but not the chain holder ? or is there a block script that can stop it from recieving the rotate script.. i have like 10 materials in the mesh if its matter since i noticed every material has its own link number, thank u for ur time to read and if u can help !

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Short answer is no, long answer is it's possible if your mesh were built specially to purpose, longer answer is you can do it using math, but it would probably look bad (pieces moving not exactly in sync with each-other) and cause more lag for the region and anyone around it.

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