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Place objects in car and drive with objects?


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I feel like this is somewhat a noob question, but worth a shot. 

So I have a car that I enjoy driving on the mainland. It is modifiable. I want to rez some objects to put in the front/back trunks and drive with them to make it look realistic. Is this possible? I have tried placing the item into the contents folder of the car, but I did not see it show up once I did that. Maybe I am doing it wrong?? Is there another way to achieve this? 

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12 minutes ago, Brittzany said:

I feel like this is somewhat a noob question, but worth a shot. 

So I have a car that I enjoy driving on the mainland. It is modifiable. I want to rez some objects to put in the front/back trunks and drive with them to make it look realistic. Is this possible? I have tried placing the item into the contents folder of the car, but I did not see it show up once I did that. Maybe I am doing it wrong?? Is there another way to achieve this? 

i had to smile seeing your question... what a fun would that be! .. but.. no it's not possible.

Putting the items in the content, will not make it visible, the content is not working like a trunk :) 
( you dó take the items with you in the car, but not visible )

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Not sure what you mean by "rez some objects" in this case.

If you are just trying to have  items showing in the trunk at all times then that's easy.  You just position the items and link them to the car (assuming its mod).  Best practise is to stop the scripts in the car first, then do the linking, then reset the scripts and set them back to running afterwards.

You could add a script to the items that turns them invisible on touch, effectively "hiding" them if that's what you wanted to.

If you want the car to physically rez other items then that is also possible but much more complicated.  You'll need to put some sort of rezzer script into the car and the items into the cars contents.  This will only work on rez-enabled land though. 

In a perfect case scenario, you could link luggage into your trunk, with a rezzer script contained inside that luggage.  When you click on the luggage, you could script the rezzer so that it rezzes "new" luggage on the ground, and turns the-car luggage invisible.

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1 hour ago, Eowyn Southmoor said:

 the linking

 kept this solution out, because it needs some, however basic, skills to do it.

But as you aleady talked about scripts.. if people don't link ór unlink the items with a priceis attention, it will break the car( or leave you with 30 or more unlinked pieces of it) and/or behaviour of the driving.

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There's the drawer script by Rolig Loon and other versions of it which are very helpful in being able to put an item in a drawer you are making (or if on mod, using), and then have the item pull out along with the drawer.

I have never tried doing that with a car, however, where you make the car the drawer, and let's say, bags of groceries be the "drawer items," and then they'd move along with the car. Not sure SL works like that but perhaps it could.

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What they said 🙂

Bottom line, whenever one modifies anything made by someone else, an understanding of the fundamentals of how things are constructed in SL and the permission system is useful. As vehicles are scripted, numerous issues may arise when things are changed.

It is always a good idea to read the notecard that came with the vehicle to see if the creator gives you any help concerning modifications. Many do, at least for retexturing. Some vehicles are actually designed in a way that facilitates adding child prims to a linkset.

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If you want to take a "staged photo" while NOT actually driving the card, you have another option.

In a "Rez Area":

- Rez your "items" that you want to show as if they are on/in the car

- Rez your car

- Move the items so they are in the place you want on/in the car - no need to actually attach them..

- Get in the car

- Take the picture

- Take the items and car back into inventory

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If you can't (or don't want to) link the luggage to your car but still want to travel with it, you can make a separate linkset and attach it to yourself, then edit it into place once you're sitting in the car. Since you don't move (relative to the vehicle) whilst seated, the luggage will also remain in place, at least until you get out of the car or crash on a region crossing or something like that.

Attaching the luggage separately to yourself means that the vehicle script won't be affected by any linkset change. 

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Unfortunately, no. Which is why freight-hauling games such as GTFO can't really move stuff around. There are vehicles which fake it, but they already have all usable cargoes built in, and just make them visible.

Avatars can attach things to themself. That's how clothing works. Avatars have "attachment points" on torso, legs, feet, hands, etc. You can attach anything to an avatar. You can rez a cube and attach it to your hand.

But non-avatar objects do not have attachment points. (This includes animesh, by the way.)

You can put "physical" boxes in the back of an SL truck and drive away, but they'll fall off at the first region crossing.

Edited by animats
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