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Feature Request : Disable ONLY Demo sale emails from Marketplace

Spooky Pumpkins

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Basically the title.

I used to get spammed with hundreds of demo ($0) sales all day every day, so I had to disable the e-mails entirely.

I'd really love to see LL implement an option to only receive e-mails on products that are not $0 or $1.

I don't mind getting e-mails of marketplace sales, but all the $0 demo sales were filling up my inbox.

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19 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Sorry for suggesting any temporary solutions. 🙂

Feature request does not in any way equate to "help me." If I wanted help I would have asked for it. 

I already use an e-mail filter, but after speaking to several friends who didn't know e-mail filters were even a thing, I thought to suggest the option to mute demo purchases would be a good idea (since the MP already has filters applied to demos). 

I don't need a solution. I'm making a suggestion to LL on how to improve the experience merchants have on the platform....the same merchants who they make a tremendous amount of money on. 


19 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Emails? I'm confused. The Marketplace site sends emails?

Yes. If you have emails enabled, you receive an email every time someone adds an item of yours to their order and checks out. Every single time. I have nearly 1,000 items in my store, about 100 of which are demos. I receive dozens (upwards to over a hundred on busy days) of demo purchase notifications per day. 


18 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Open a JIRA - set the Issue Type to "New Feature Request' and document what you want:  https://jira.secondlife.com/

Thank you, I'll do that. 



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12 minutes ago, Spooky Pumpkins said:
19 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Emails? I'm confused. The Marketplace site sends emails?

Yes. If you have emails enabled, you receive an email every time someone adds an item of yours to their order and checks out. Every single time. I have nearly 1,000 items in my store, about 100 of which are demos. I receive dozens (upwards to over a hundred on busy days) of demo purchase notifications per day. 

Thank you, it was not clear at all from your original post that you are a "Marketplace Seller".  

I assumed that you were purchasing items from Marketplace, and that you were getting emails about your purchases. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I so totally agree with the suggestion of having a button or at least a choice if we want email notifications on Demo 0L items.  Those take up over half of my emails daily and it is incredibly annoying.  I am happy that folks are getting my demos, but I don't need to see that in my email.  But I DO want to see any actual sales so I cannot shut it all down.

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On 2/1/2023 at 2:21 PM, animats said:

You don't have an email reader with filters and automatic distribution to different folders?

I guess you didn't read my earlier response on this thread.

Yes, I use a filter. But not everyone knows how to set those up. And, it filters out e-mails that include both a normal purchase and a demo in the same checkout, so it's not foolproof. 

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