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TRADITIONAL NORSE Dísablót RITUAL at ULFHEIM, Rungardvik - 02/01, beginning at 11AM SLT

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To honor the spirits of our ancestral Mothers and the Disir, those who are loyal to the old gods are invited to take part in the sacred ritual on this day and time:

FEBRUARY 1ST, between the hours of 11AM SLT and 2PM SLT

You will have the chance to approach the sacrificial altar at the ancient ritual site of Ulfheim, make your offerings and petition the gods for a successful planting season and fertile earth.  You may also have the opportunity to meet the new Jarl and Jarlskona of Ulfheim, and if the gods favor you, you may even be granted a guided tour of the settlement.

Event starting location:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rungardvik/250/134/1049  

We look forward to seeing you and sharing this unique experience with you!  SKOL!

Disablot Invitations.jpg

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