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Clothes don't fit since BoM update? Maitreya.


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17 minutes ago, BerryAudrey said:

Is it just me? Is anyone else having this issue? I've been having major clipping issues with clothes. Doesn't matter if I adjust my shape, it always clips... is this something to do with BoM? What's going on? How do I fix it? Thanks :)

I belive you wear one of the layers, if it is Maitreya. You can try and look if it is a tattoo, underwear or clothing layer. This will have a box symbol, not a pink sqiggly symbol.

Detach it, if it is what I think.

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26 minutes ago, BerryAudrey said:

Hi thanks for answering. I think I just figured it out.. I had to attach the BoM HUD and untoggle the BoM pieces I.e., torso, pelvis in order for the clothes to show properly. :) Thanks for your help

   You should only wear the BOM Add-On Parts if you're using it, its purpose is to make BOM apparel look more natural by 'filling out' or flattening areas of the body (such as the crotch and behind when wearing leggings, or the chest and/or nipples if you're wearing a BOM top). If you're not wearing BOM apparel which doesn't have clothes on top of it, you don't need it (like if you're wearing a BOM bra under a mesh shirt, you don't need to flatten the nipples since they're hidden by the mesh top anyway). 

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4 hours ago, Orwar said:

   You should only wear the BOM Add-On Parts if you're using it, its purpose is to make BOM apparel look more natural by 'filling out' or flattening areas of the body (such as the crotch and behind when wearing leggings, or the chest and/or nipples if you're wearing a BOM top). If you're not wearing BOM apparel which doesn't have clothes on top of it, you don't need it (like if you're wearing a BOM bra under a mesh shirt, you don't need to flatten the nipples since they're hidden by the mesh top anyway). 

Thanks for the advice. I've only been back two days and BoM is new to me. :) Had no idea! 

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1 minute ago, BerryAudrey said:

Thanks for the advice. I've only been back two days and BoM is new to me. :) Had no idea! 

   Ah, welcome back. It can be a little bit confusing at first, and sifting through the masses of information and misinformation can be a bit of a chore. Essentially, the only things in the Maitreya folder that you'll need to wear for most of the time, is the body itself and the HUD when doing changes to it - all the applier layers can be skipped (and save a good chunk of performance) for as long as you don't actually want to wear any applier specifically. 

   Once you've set it up to use with BOM, all the system layering functions just like it did before the days of mesh bodies, so customising it between wardrobe changes is quite straight-forward. 

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23 hours ago, BerryAudrey said:

Is it just me? Is anyone else having this issue? I've been having major clipping issues with clothes. Doesn't matter if I adjust my shape, it always clips... is this something to do with BoM? What's going on? How do I fix it? Thanks :)

BOM is solely to do with texture (skin, makeup, tattoos etc), nothng to do with clipping through clothing.

Make sure you have the newest version of the body (Verion 5.3 - get a redelivery from the mainstore if you don't have this version). 

Make sure you have the BAKES ON MESH button active in your hud - SKINS/BASE tab. (if the text is white, it's active, if the text is black, it's not).  

Make sure you are wearing clothes in the right size; You can only wear Maitreya-sized clothes on a Maitreya body.

If the clothes come with an alpha layer, wear it. If they don't, use the ALPHA section of the hud to hide parts that clip through.  Well made clothes rarely need this but cheaper ones that are less-well made often do.

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