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Feedback/ Request for LL team

Dot Dakota

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My wish list of things I would love to see improve within SL 

Ability to sort groups,   
ATM im in 120 groups and they are listed alphabetically by name 
It would be amazing if I would be able to create categories so i would be able to customize how they are listed 

New mapping for Feet,
I design clothing templates and I have been making stockings with nice patterned lace
the feet are a BIG problem, this is why we see tons of stockings without feet, Please redo the default feet mapping so we can make prettier BOM layers 

Enable Search by L$ spend on MP 
atm when we go to'our order history on MP we either have to know the name of the creator/store OR the name (as listed) of the item we bought
Often times I don't know either when I cant find the item i am looking for, i do (vaguely) remember the amount paid 
I would be thankful if you would enable to search by amount spend, so I dont have to scroll through thousands of items I once bought 
If this is to complicated than maybe you could enable to hide all purchases of 0L$ - to 10 linden 



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7 hours ago, Dot Dakota said:

New mapping for Feet,
I design clothing templates and I have been making stockings with nice patterned lace
the feet are a BIG problem, this is why we see tons of stockings without feet, Please redo the default feet mapping so we can make prettier BOM layers 

This change would break all content (skins, socks, tattoos, etc.) ever created for the current avatars using LL UV.

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yes it would break all feet up till now, but it would enable to create newer and way more detailed feet 
just like the upgrade to evox mapping from the default, yes it hurts a bit to not be able to use the old things we were used to, but how great would it be to gain extra detailed tattoos, socks and stockings all these things that many people love to wear as a bom layer 

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1 hour ago, Dot Dakota said:

yes it would break all feet up till now, but it would enable to create newer and way more detailed feet 
just like the upgrade to evox mapping from the default, yes it hurts a bit to not be able to use the old things we were used to, but how great would it be to gain extra detailed tattoos, socks and stockings all these things that many people love to wear as a bom layer 

I was wrong actually, it wouldn't break any existing content for mesh bodies (since their UV mapping would not change), which I think are much more common than system avatars.

Either way, any creator could do the same as LeLutka with their Evo X heads, and come up with new feet with a better UV map. The change wouldn't need to come from LL, and even if it did, it wouldn't force anybody to use the new layout (but it would break content for those people who do use the classic avatar).

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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I rarely if ever check out anyone's feet per se.   It's kind of a non-issue since mesh feet/bodies/etc came out.  Of course, this would affect those using system avatars but honestly?  That's a small percentage of people who would even be concerned with how their feet look when they're far too busy trying to edit their non rigged mesh private parts.   

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