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Mainland Parcels for Rent - Great Deals!


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Come check out the best mainland prices. 

Your land - Enjoy terraforming, media controls, access controls, and more - It's yours!

Shops, clubs, venue, homes, farms, and more. If you can dream it, you can build it!

10% Discount back when paying for 4 weeks.

Region Size (meters) L$/Week Prims Rating Description SURL
Cerura 16384 L$3179 5,625 Moderate 1x protected Coastal parcel, mostly water. Direct sailing access to 100+ sims. link
Peerskill 16384 L$3179 5,625 Moderate Mountain top land, surrounded by rock hill. link
Foyle Gully 8192 L$1589 2,812 Moderate 1x protected roadside (Route 9) grass hill with small lake at the bottom. link
Clarksburg 8192 L$1589 2,812 General Roadside parcel, with great neighbors and area. link
Foyle Gully 5024 L$974 1724 Moderate 1x protected roadside (Route 9) grass hill with small lake at the bottom. link
Egill 2048 L$399 703 Moderate Access to Blake Sea, mostly-water parcel with house rezzed. 600 prims to use. link
Foyle Gully 2048 L$399 703 Moderate 1x protected roadside (Route 9) flat grass parcel. link
Cerura 1360 L$264 466 Moderate 1x protected water parcel, direct sailing access to 100+ sims. link
Foyle Gully 1024 L$199 351 Moderate Non-traditional shaped 1024m parcel, flat grass. link
Quentin 944 L$184 324 Moderate Roadside parcel, located in a great area. link


shop, club, home, house, rental, roadside, water, ocean, sim edge, route 9, travel, realty, mainland, 1/4 sim, 1/8 sim, large parcel, no premium, cheap, best, AviCrowd



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