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18 minutes ago, VaterTenney said:

Are you dead? Hello?

Literally was searching for "chat", "hangout" place through search in-game for 2 hours and found noone. Lots of porn though. The heck.

Try London City.  There's always people there and it's newcomer friendly.  Welcome to the forums!

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34 minutes ago, Horus Salubrius said:

Chat to who ?  About what ? 

A better approach might be to think about what interests you & search from there: music, literature, art, games, sailing, creating, etc. 

YES, all excellent suggestions!  There are many sailing communities like Gulls Wing, that host weekly races and are also are home to music venues.  https://www.gullswing.com/rentals.php

Try Mad Pea Games; I have teamed up with folks to work through a game and chat on the way:  https://www.madpeagames.com/

Check out SL's Destination Guide too or, if you love stories, head to libraries like Seanchai that have had weekly gatherings and readings since the early, early days of SL:  


Edited by Leora Greenwood
Too Early, Can't Type or TECT
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