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Upgrading my premium to premium plus


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I already have a premium account that is yearly paid in August and I already have a linden home that I love.   If I upgrade to the premium plus account, will the upgrade charge be prorated for the time I have left on my year that I already paid for?  Or should I wait until my renewal time in August to upgrade?  Also will upgrading to premium plus affect my linden home I have now?  I don't want to be suddenly kicked out of my linden home because I upgraded.  So, my question is will I be able to keep the linden home I have now? 

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Yes, you keep your current Linden Home.

Your current membership is taken into account when you upgrade. Here's what the Knowledge Base has to say:

Existing Premium members who wish to upgrade to a Premium Plus account may do so, and will receive a discounted initial subscription for their new Plus membership based on how much time is remaining on their current paid Premium membership. For example, if you are an Annual subscriber with several months left on your Premium subscription and you wish to upgrade to Premium Plus, you will only pay the difference between your current membership and your requested Premium Plus membership.

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